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After Bokuto left in the morning, Akaashi went straight over to Kenma's house to explain his current situation. He was the only one he could talk to, because Bokuto was the person he was discussing about, so he couldn't go to him, and Kuroo would obviously tell Bokuto himself. 

"I say just suck it up and confess to him." Kenma said, not looking up from his screen.

"Kenma, you have no idea how hard that is. Consider yourself lucky that your best friend actually liked you back. Mine is just chasing after a girl who isn't even meant for him." Akaashi sat in Kenma's desk chair, spinning around in circles.

"Isn't meant for him? What do you mean?" 

Shit, I didn't tell him.. He's my close friend, maybe he can help?

Akaashi sighed. 

"You know that story your parents would tell you as you grew older? The red thread of fate?" Kenma looked up from his game, staring at Akaashi, trying not to laugh.

"You think that's real? And now you're using it against your best friend?" Kenma said, turning off his game so he could give his full attention to Akaashi, who looked dead serious.

"Kenma.. I can see the strings. I'm not lying." Akaashi looked straight into Kenma's eyes.

"Well, I've known you long enough to know that you wouldn't lie about this type of stuff.." 

"Exactly, Kenma. So believe me when I say that I can see them.."

"Wait, so when you said that she wasn't meant for him.. That means they aren't connected? So who is he connected to?" Kenma asked, generally confused as to what is going on.


Akaashi stayed silent for a few seconds, Kenma was still staring at him, waiting for a response. He knew he wouldn't get one, so he broke the silence.

"It's you isn't it?"


"He's your soulmate?" 

"Um.." Akaashi ducked his head down.

"Yeah.." He whispered.

"I fucking knew it! Well, that's good then! Why don't you just tell him that? Tell him that you can see the strings and that you two are connected." Kenma yelled silently, trying not to disturb his family members.

"I did tell him.."

"So why aren't you guys dating yet?" Kenma whined

"No, I mean, he knows about the strings, but he doesn't know were connected." 

Kenma laughed.

"So you're telling me that you told him, and he didn't ask who his soulmate is? Were you talking to the real Bokuto or..?"

"He did ask, but I uh.." Akaashi stopped and pulled his head back up to see Kenma, still staring at him.

"What? Spit it out." 

"ToldhimthathissoulmateisYukie." Akaashi quickly said, hoping Kenma didn't understand a word. Obviously he did, because he was on the bed laughing hysterically.

"Don't laugh, I panicked! Then he told me that he likes her and that he's going to ask her to be his girlfriend at the fall dance." Akaashi yelled at him upsettingly.

"Did someone say dance?" A voice appeared in the room with Akaashi and Kenma.

Akaashi turned around to see a familiar bed-headed boy standing in the doorway of Kenma's room.

"Kuroo, you didn't say you were coming over today?" Kenma said as he got up from his bed and walked over to the door to hug his boyfriend.

"Yeah, I thought I'd surprise you. I didn't realise Akaashi would be here, sorry." Kuroo apologised before pressing his lips to Kenma's head.

"it's fine, you can help me sort out Akaashi's situa-" 

"Kenma!" Akaashi yelled, cutting Kenma off.

"Situation? Did something happen?" Kuroo asked as he walked into the room and sat on Kenma's bed, pulling him into his lap.

What's with these two being so intimate in front of me.. Like they're trying to rub it in or something. Jeez..

"Nothing happened, Kuroo." Akaashi said.

"Alright.. So I heard dance when I walked in? What's happening? Are you two going out without me..?" Kuroo frowned

"No! Fukurodani is hosting a fall dance for the students. I was just telling Kenma about it." 

"Oh! Can we come!?" 

"Kuroo, It's their school not ours-" Kenma got cut off.

"Yeah sure, they allow people from other schools, for some strange reason.. I'm pretty sure Daichi and Sugawara from Karasuno are going." Akaashi said, standing up from his seat.

"I'll text you when it is Kenma, I'm gonna go now so you two can be alone. Bye!" He walked out of the room, leaving a confused Kenma and Kuroo.

Akaashi said goodbye to Kenma's parents and walked out the door, then grabbed out his phone.


Text messages - Kenma

Why the hell would you do that?! Now Kuroo is gonna drag me there! -12:29pm

That was my intention, Kenma. You need to get out more,
 and plus, I can stick by you since I don't have a date. -12:29pm

Dude, you do realise that Kuroo is
going to literally force me to dance.

Great! More enjoyment for me then! -12:30pm


Akaashi smiled then put his phone back in his pocket, walking down his street to his house.

Maybe I should visit Bokuto...

Akaashi thought a little more before taking a turn down another road, which he was familiar with. He soon arrived at Bokuto's house.

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