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"Keiji, are you alright? You seem stressed." Akane walked into his room and sat on the bed.

Akaashi was laying his head on his desk, contemplating on texting Bokuto that his string wasn't actually connected to his crush.

"I'm fine, mom.."

He lifted his head up and put his chin on his crossed arms, and stared at his phone, knowing that there's just a bunch of unread messages from Bokuto.

"You know you can talk to me, Keiji.."

"I know, I'm just tired."

His mom just sighed and got up from the bed and walked over to her son.

"Alright honey.. Get some rest." Akane kissed the top of his head, then walked out of his room, closing the door behind her.

Akaashi picked up his phone and scrolled through the messages Bokuto sent him.


Text message - Bokuto-San


I owe you one! But on another note, you HAVE to help me ask her out. -7:53pm

I feel more confident now! I mean, she can't
turn me down! I'm her soulmate! -7:54pm


Akaashi sighed. He couldn't lie to his best friend, but he surely couldn't tell him either.


Bokuto-san I suggest you don't tell her
that she's your soulmate.. As a matter of fact,
you probably shouldn't tell anyone. -8:01pm

Whyyy?! -8:01pm

Just trust me, Bokuto-san. Don't tell her about the soulmate thing, she'll probably be weirded out by it. Just ask her out like a normal person. -8:02pm

Yeah you're right, I won't tell her. -8:02pm

But you're forgetting that I'm not
normal!😡 -8:03pm

Goodnight, Bokuto-san.. -8:03pm


Akaashi quickly turned his phone off and put it on charge before he could see a reply.

He felt dumb for giving Bokuto relationship advice. He liked him a lot, but of course he couldn't just avoid his best friend's love life, nor could he actually tell him that he liked him, since Akaashi's number 1 fear is losing his friendship with Bokuto. They've been best friends for almost 3 years, he couldn't stuff anything up now.

Akaashi got up from his seat and walked over to his closet, and grabbed out some clothes to sleep in.

After he changed, he slid under the covers and turned off his lamp.

He tossed and turned a little bit, thinking about how broken his heart was.

He could never like me.. I'm just his best friend.

Finally, Akaashi fell asleep.


It was the next day, and Akaashi was already off to school. Once he got there, he was greeted with a familiar face.

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