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As the 3 boys walked back into the loud gymnasium, they saw 2 boys staring at them. Kuroo and Kenma were standing at the side of the gym, eyeing Bokuto and Akaashi.

"So I see it worked out, huh?" Kuroo smirked as he rested his chin on his boyfriend's head.

"Yeah.. guess it did." Akaashi looked down to hide his flustered face.

"Where did Yukie go..?" Bokuto asked.

"Ah- she said she was gonna go home early. But she told me to say thank you for bringing her, and that she hopes for the best for you and Akaashi."

"I feel really bad.." Akaashi said, looking at Bokuto. The two boys still held hands.

"Yeah, same.. But I guess we should be grateful." Bokuto smiled at Akaashi.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Oh right, sorry for interrupting your little moment back there." Terushima laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Wait what?" Kuroo said.

"Uh.. I kind of walked up to them when they were about to kiss."

Kenma freed himself from Kuroo's embrace and walked over to Terushima. He punched him in the arm.

"Ow! Why do you guys abuse me so much!?"

"You interrupted their moment!" Kenma yelled.

"Calm down, Kitten." Kuroo pulled Kenma back into his arms.

The yelling continued for a few minutes, until a slow song started playing over the speakers.

"Kitten! Dance with me!" Kuroo grabbed Kenma's hand and dragged him onto the dance floor.


The 3 boys laughed as they watched Kuroo pull Kenma into the crowd of people, who were slow dancing with their partners.

"Ah.." Bokuto looked down.


"'Kaashi, wanna dance..?" He held out his hand.

"I would love to." Akaashi grabbed his hand and walked over to the centre of the court. They were surrounded by people who were swaying to the music.

"Just so you know, I have no clue how to dance.." Bokuto said sheepishly.

"Me neither, but oh well." Akaashi grabbed Bokuto's hands and put them on his waist, then put his own hands around his neck, their faces only 4 inches apart.

They started swaying to the music.

"Y'know, I actually knew I had a crush on you from the very beginning." Bokuto said, staring into Akaashi's eyes.


"Mhmm.. I just didn't want to admit it. I didn't even think you were attracted to boys." He laughed.

"Same goes for you, I didn't think you were attracted to boys, hence why I lied about the string.." It took Akaashi a few seconds to realise what he just said.

"Shit I-" Akaashi was cut off by Bokuto.

"You lied about the string?" Bokuto laughed again.

"Um.. Yeah, I was scared about what you'd think.."

"So.. Tell me now. Who am I connected to, Akaashi?"

Akaashi smiled.

"Who do you think, Bokuto-san?"

Bokuto hummed.

"I don't know, I mean, Kuroo seems like a soulmate to me."

They both laughed.



"I'm glad you're my soulmate."

Bokuto smiled, then leaned down, their faces now only 2 inches apart.

"Me too, Akaashi.."

Bokuto pressed his lips against Akaashi's, the two moving in-sync. The kiss was soft and passionate, it felt like heaven to Akaashi. He wanted to stay like this forever. But sadly, Bokuto pulled away.

Akaashi smiled at Bokuto, then laid his head on his chest, while Bokuto laid his own on his shoulder, they still swayed to the music.


"Yes, Bokuto-san?"

"Will you be my boyfriend..?"

Akaashi smiled.

"Of course."

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