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Akaashi never truly believed in soulmates, nor did he believe in the red thread of fate. He always thought it was just a stupid story that parents told their kids to convince them that they'll find love one day. This all changed one day, the day after his birthday to be precise. He woke up and found a string around his finger, a string that led to his best friend.

It's been 5 years since he discovered the string. He's now living in the city with his boyfriend, Bokuto, and neighbouring Kuroo and Kenma, their best friends. Kuroo and Kenma got married a few months back, Bokuto was Kuroo's best man while Akaashi was Kenma's. The 4 wanted to move in together but they thought it would be too crowded and crazy. So they all moved into an Apartment complex.

Bokuto and Akaashi are now on a date in a fancy restaurant. Akaashi didn't really want to go, as he was tired from work, but Bokuto forced him.

"Why did you force me to come, Kou..?" Akaashi said as he looked down at the menu.

"Because! We can never go out anymore, I always have training and you're constantly working. We could both use a night out!"

"Whatever you say.."

"Plus, It's a special night tonight.. Well, it's going to be." Bokuto laughed.

"What do you mean?"

Bokuto cleared his throat.

"Akaashi Keiji, I literally have no clue how to say this. But I guess I should start off by saying that I love you to bits, I love you more than life itself.. I couldn't imagine my life without you. You're my best friend, my lover, my soulmate. I want to be with you forever! I want to stay by your side until death.. That day you told me that I was connected to you by a string, I felt like the happiest man on earth. I knew that day that I wanted to be with you forever, I wanted to make you happy, happier than I am right now even though that's probably not even possible! "



Bokuto got up from his seat and kneeled down on the floor, he took a small, maroon box out of his pocket.

"Will you marry me?"

Akaashi's eyes started to water, he nodded.

"Bokuto Koutarou, I will gladly marry you!"

Bokuto jumped up and hugged Akaashi, then leaned down to kiss him.

He pulled away, then slipped the ring on Akaashi's finger. The ring had 2 owls on it, they were snuggling against each other, on the side, a word had been etched into the gold.


Akaashi giggled, he knew Bokuto would choose something like this.

"I love you, Keiji." Bokuto kissed his fiancé once more.

"I love you too, Kou.."

Telling him about the strings was definitely worth it.. I can finally start a whole new life with him, maybe even have a family.. I'm glad that my best friend was my soulmate..

I'm glad that the string between us brought us together.


God I finally finished it. This is my first ever fanfic, so I'm really sorry if it sucks, and if it didn't make much sense. 


Lmao, anyways, thank you for reading my terrible fanfic!

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