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When the two boys got to Akaashi's house, Akaashi managed to cheer Terushima up with some candy, turns out he has a huge sweet tooth, especially for chocolate. He told him about the strings and his crush on Bokuto, and his problems that he has with him.

"So you're telling me that you can see the strings, and you're connected to Bokuto, but when you told him you could see them.. You told him he was connected to his crush? Dude, what were you thinking!?" Terushima yelled at Akaashi, who was in the kitchen cutting a piece of chocolate cake for Terushima.

"Yes! I regret it! Especially the fact that I told him that I was connected to the other manager, who is also Yukie's best friend."

Terushima laughed hysterically.

"You seriously need help, 'Kaashi. You should let me fix this for you!"

"No way in hell am I letting someone else try to fix my love life..." Akaashi walked into the living room, cake in hand, and sat down next to Terushima.

"Well, are you gonna do it yourself?" Terushima said as he took the cake from Akaashi, and started to pick it up with the spoon.

"Of course not! I've just chosen to try and move on.." Akaashi watched Terushima eat the whole cake in 2 seconds.

"Slow down, you'll get a stomach ache.."

He gulped down the cake.

"Well, if you don't do it, then I won't have any choice but to do it myself.."

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I would, Akaashi."

The two laughed.

"Alright, we can talk about this next time, I should get home. My mom is probably worried about where I've been this morning.." Terushima got up and walked to the door.

"Alright, see you later." Akaashi waved as Terushima walked out the door, closing it behind him.

He let out a sigh.

I really should tell him, huh?

He snapped out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing. He quickly picked it up.


"Hey hey hey, 'Kaashi! I was hoping I could come over, I have some great news!"

"I guess that's alright, Bokuto-san."

"Sweet! See you soon!"

Bokuto quickly hung up. causing Akaashi to sweat.

What does he wanna tell me..?


"I asked Yukie to the dance!" Bokuto grinned.

"Oh. That's great Bokuto-san, what did she say?" Akaashi forced a smile, knowing that she said yes.

"She said yes, 'Kaashi!! I'm so freaking happy I could cry!"

Bokuto got up from the couch and started jumping around Akaashi's living room.

Akaashi's heart snapped in half again.

"That's great! I'm really happy for you.."

"So! Who are you bringing?" Bokuto stopped jumping around and looked down at Akaashi.

"I don't know.. I told Kenma and Kuroo about it and Kuroo said that they're going, So I might just stick with them."

"Wait, Kuroo is coming!? Hell yeah!! It's gonna be the best night of my life! My best bro will be there AND I might even become Yukie's boyfriend!"

"Don't jump to conclusions, Bokuto-san.."

"What do you mean?! She said yes to the dance, doesn't that mean she'll say yes to me asking her to be my girlfriend? Doesn't this mean she likes me!?" Bokuto whined

"You never know, maybe she just thought you were asking to go as friends?"

"What!? AkAAASHII?! Why would you say that!? Are you saying this because you don't have a date? I already told you I'd go with you instead of her!"

"This has nothing to do with that.. Also, I think I know who I can bring.."

"Who? Kaori?" Bokuto smirked at Akaashi.

"No, just a friend of mine."

He hummed

"Alright, suit yourself."

"Great, now get out of my house."


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