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The match against Nekoma had finished, Fukurodani winning 25-23 and 25-19. And of course, like always, Bokuto and Kuroo were messing around on the side of the court. Meanwhile, Akaashi was sitting with Kenma, who was playing his video games.

"They're being stupid again." Akaashi said

"What'd you expect them to do? Act normal?" Kenma said, peering up from his games.

Akaashi looked down at Kenma's finger, it was no shock that he had a string wrapped around it. He looked over to where it was connected.

Kuroo.. I mean, that isn't surprising, they've been dating for a while now.

"How are you and Kuroo going?" Akaashi asked.

"Good I guess. Nothing really interesting goes on in our relationship.." He said quietly.

"At least you're actually in a relationship.." Akaashi mumbled under his breath, hoping that Kenma didn't hear him properly. Sadly, he had great ears.

"Y'know, you should just tell Bokuto how you feel." Kenma said, looking back down at his game.

"What?" Akaashi stared at him wide-eyed.

"It's obvious, Akaashi..."

"Is it really..?" He hid his face in his hands.

"Well, for me it is, but of course, Bokuto is as dense as a rock, so.." Kenma turned off his phone and shoved it in his pocket.

"You can say that again."

"Kitten~" A familiar, bed-headed man came over to Kenma and Akaashi.

"I told you to stop calling me that, Kuroo.." Kenma said as he punched his boyfriend's arm.

Kuroo laughed.

"I think you should get your laugh checked out, bro." Bokuto said from behind Kuroo.

"My laugh is perfectly fine!" He yelled

The three boys who stood around Kuroo shook their heads in disbelief.

"Anyways... We have to go soon, so say your goodbyes now, Kitten." Kuroo wrapped both his arms around Kenma's waist and rested his chin on his head.

This lovey dovey stuff is burning my eyes..

"Guess I'll see you next time, Akaashi." Kenma said, trying to nudge Kuroo off.

"Yeah, see you next time."

"See you bro!" Bokuto said as he hugged Kuroo.

"See you bro! Bye Akaashi!" Kuroo waved as he and Kenma walked out the door.

"Better get this place cleaned up! After that, you wanna walk home together?" Bokuto asked.



The two boys were walking home under a dark sky, sadly filled with nothing.

"So, I assume you're going to ask Yukie to the Fall dance..?"

Say no, please say no!

"Of course I am! I'm even thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend there!"

Akaashi wanted nothing but to just scream.

"What about you? Are you asking Kaori?" Bokuto asked.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Bokuto-san, I don't like her." Akaashi said in an angry tone.

"Okay, okay..  Well who're you gonna go with? Don't tell me you're thinking of going alone.." He pouted at Akaashi

"Maybe, I don't know."

"If you want, I can just ask her to be my girlfriend after the dance, and I can just go with you to the dance instead.."

As much as Akaashi wanted that, he knew he couldn't accept it..

"No, it's completely fine! I'm not ruining your chance to finally get a girlfriend." Akaashi forced out a giggle.

"Hey! Are you implying that you thought I'd never get a girlfriend?" Bokuto whined.


All of a sudden, Akaashi got a notification. He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the message.

Terushima: Hey Akaashi! I was hoping we could call tonight. Maybe I can get to know a little more about you😀-7:12pm

"Who's that?" Bokuto tried to peek over Akaashi's shoulder, but he had already put his phone back in his pocket, ignoring the text.

"Nobody." Akaashi said, turning over to Bokuto, who was staring straight at him.

"Why're you staring, Bokuto-san?"

"If you don't like Kaori, then who do you like?" Bokuto asked, he was staring at Akaashi with a straight face.

Why is he asking me this..?

"I don't really like anybody.. Why?"

"Just wondering.." Bokuto continued to walk.

The two parted ways at an intersection, waving their goodbyes as they walked down their own streets.

I'm going to have to tell him eventually..

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