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"Bokuto-san, what if I told you I can see the strings?" Akaashi said, peering up from his phone.

"What?! You can?!" Bokuto's yelling caused all the workers and the few people who were seated in the café to glance over at the two boys.

"Quiet, Bokuto-san. Yes, I can.."

"Wait.. So who am I connected to?" He asked

"Um.." Akaashi thought of what to say.

Just tell him who it's connected to..

"Yukie?" He panicked.

Wait no! Why would you say that?

"Wait wait wait, so you're telling me that my soulmate is the girl that I've had the biggest crush on for like.. ever!?" Bokuto realised he said that out loud, and covered his mouth.

Akaashi's heart shattered.

"You like Yukie?" He tried his best to sound happy.

Bokuto laughed.

"No point in hiding it from you now, yeah.. I've liked her for a while now!"


"I'm sorry I've kept it from you for so long, I just didn't really think you'd be interested in this type of stuff!"

Bokuto quickly changed the subject.

"So, who is your string connected to?" He asked

Akaashi looked down at his hand, examining the string that was leading over to Bokuto's left pinky.

Fuck! I can't tell him that our strings are connected! It'll break his heart! Plus, he's not even attracted to boys..

"Uh.. It's connected to.."

What do I say what do I say what do I say what do I say what do I say


Worst possible option to choose from!

"Wow, so we're both connected to our team managers, huh?" Bokuto laughed again, it was softer this time.

"Yeah, I guess.." Akaashi muttered under his breath

"Do you like Kaori?" He asked yet again another question.

"I don't know-"

"I say we ask them out together!" Bokuto cut Akaashi off as he stood up from his seat.

"I'm gonna go home and make a whole plan! I'll see you tomorrow 'Kaashi!" He ran out the door and down the street.

Akaashi was left in the empty café by himself. He banged his head on the table, mumbling to himself.

"Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid."

"Uh.. Are you okay..?" Akaashi lifted his head up to see a young man standing in front of him.

Akaashi hummed.

"Yeah I'm fine.." He said, looking at his name tag.


"Your frown doesn't match your pretty face, c'mon, cheer up." He said, taking a seat in front of Akaashi.

He just stared at him with an expressionless face for about 5 seconds then finally spoke.


The man giggled softly

"I'm Terushima." He held his hand out, waiting for the other to shake it.

"Akaashi.." He shook Terushima's hand. His touch was soft, it was kind of nice.

"Nice to meet you. I assume you don't come here often, I mean, I would remember a beautiful face like yours." Terushima said, making Akaashi blush.

"Yeah, I've never been here before.. My friend dragged me here." Akaashi said, pulling out his phone to check the time.

"Your friend is the one that just ran out, right?"

"Yeah.. Hey I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to get home." Akaashi said, getting up from his seat.

"Can I at least get your number first?" Terushima got up with Akaashi and pulled out his phone.

Akaashi noticed that Terushima didn't have any string on his finger.

"Yeah I guess so.." He grabbed his phone and typed his number in.

He doesn't have a string. Is he younger than me? No that couldn't be it.. he looks way older. Maybe he doesn't have a soulmate?

He handed the phone back to Terushima.

"Sweet, I'll text you later, Akaashi." Terushima winked at him, then walked behind the counter and into a room at the back of the cafe.

What a flirt.. I'll admit, he's kind of hot, with his blonde hair and piercings, but I can just tell he's equally as annoying as Bokuto..

"Bokuto-san.." Akaashi whispered as he walked down the street

He'll be heartbroken if I tell him.. I guess I just have to keep this one a secret..

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