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Beep beep beep

The sound of Akaashi's alarm rang through his head as he grabbed his phone and threw it across the room.

God dammit, just 5 more minutes you stupid alarm.

Akaashi rolled over in bed to look at his phone which was on the other side of the room, it was still beeping. He finally gave in and got up, grabbing his phone to turn off his alarm. The time read 6:30am

He opened his bedroom door and walked downstairs to be greeted by his mom.

"Good morning." Akaashi said, walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning Keiji, Sleep well?" Akane said as she read her book.

"No.. That stupid alarm is killing me slowly." He said, reaching for the cereal in the cupboard.

His mom laughed.

Akaashi poured himself some cereal then sat with his mom at the dining table.

His mom put her book down, then got up and walked to the living room. Soon after she came back with a box.

"Happy birthday, darling." Akaashi's mom said, putting the box down in front of him.

"What's this?" he asked

"Open it and you'll find out." She sat back down at the table.

Akaashi opened the box, and inside was a bunch of pictures of a little kid, which looked kind of like him, and a grown man.

Akaashi smiled.

"Is that dad?" He asked, picking up one of the photos.

"Yes it is.. Keiji, I just wanted you to know that he'd be so proud of you if he saw you right now. If he saw the amazing young man you've grown to be." She cupped Akaashi's cheek with her right hand.

Akaashi's father passed away when he was only 6 years old, due to drug overdose. Nobody knows why he did it, he left no notes or clues, nothing. It left him and his mom devastated for years. Akane was struggling, her husband was the one working and making money to keep his family alive, while she stayed at the house to take care of their child. So when he passed away, they didn't have any money. But things finally got better. A few years later, she finally got a job to help pay for her and her son to live a happy life again.

"I know mom.. I miss him too." Akaashi said, hugging his mother.

"Alright.. Enough of that." Akane pulled away. "You need to go get ready for school, I'm sure your friends are excited to see you."

Akaashi laughed, "Yeah, alright. I love you mom.."

"I love you too, Keiji, now hurry up, I'll drive you today."

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