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Akaashi was woken up by his loud alarm ringing in his head yet again. He then realised that it was the day of the dance. This caused him to pounce out of bed and get his uniform on. He rushed downstairs to greet his mother.

"Morning, Mom!" Akaashi walked into the kitchen to grab some cereal.

"Morning, sweetie. You excited for this afternoon?" 

"I guess so, Oh and Teru is picking me up, so you don't need to drive us."

"Alright, sounds good. I suggest you hurry, you'll be late for school."

"Yeah, alright." Akaashi quickly finished his cereal then ran upstairs to grab his phone and bag, quickly running downstairs after he got the things he needed.

"Love you, mom." Akaashi kissed his mother's forehead then walked out the door.


Akaashi walked through the gym doors, only to be welcomed by nothing. Nobody was in there practicing like they should be. He glanced over to see that the locker room light was on. 

He quickly walked over, then pulled open the door.

"Woah what the-" Akaashi stood at the door wide-eyed.

Inside the locker room was Konoha, pinned against the locker by Washio, who was pressing his lips against his aggressively. They both looked over to Akaashi.

"Get the hell out man!" Konoha yelled 

"Sorry!" Akaashi quickly slammed the door shut and walked over to the other side of the court, far away from the locker room.

I need to bleach my eyes..

Suddenly, the gym doors busted open again.

"Hey hey hey-" Bokuto stopped talking, then looked over to Akaashi. 

"Where the hell is everybody?" He yelled.


"Don't say a fucking word, Akaashi!" Washio yelled from the locker room door.

"What happened?" Bokuto walked over to Akaashi.

"Nothing, don't worry about it.." Akaashi said, as he was too embarrassed to say what he just witnessed.

"Where's everybody else?" Bokuto turned to Konoha and Washio.

"Coach told us that practice was off, because they had to prepare everything for the dance." Konoha said.

"So what are you two doing in here..? And why are you so flustered, Konoha?" Bokuto asked

Washio and Konoha stayed silent.

"Okay, honestly I don't even want to know, because Akaashi literally looks like he's seen a ghost.." Bokuto quickly turned to Akaashi and grabbed his shoulders.

"You alright, 'Kaashi?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Alright, we better get going. We have a dance to prepare for!"

The 4 boys left the gymnasium, and headed out of the school.

Washio and Konoha stayed silent the whole way. After they separated and went their own ways, Bokuto and Akaashi talked about the dance, and what they were going to wear.

"Well, me and Yukie are going to wear matching outfits! We're going with blue because that's her favourite colour!" 

"That's great, Bokuto-san. I'm sure you two will look amazing.." Akaashi frowned.

"Hey, what's wrong..?" 

I'm in love with you, and you're breaking me, dumbass..

"Oh, nothing, I'm just thinking about what I'll wear." Akaashi forced out a giggle.

"Alright.. Well, see you tonight!" Bokuto walked off, down his street, while Akaashi walked down his.

He sighed.

These strings mean nothing, do they..?

Akaashi attempted to touch the string, but it was like it wasn't there. Like it was a hologram.

I can't just cut it off.. Dammit.

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