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Akaashi was sitting in his room, staring out his bedroom window and watching the sun go down, He attempted to stop himself from thinking about his birthday, and why he didn't like them. There wasn't any reason or anything, he just didn't really like celebrating them. 

Fortunately, he was interrupted from his thoughts by his mother, who was calling him downstairs for dinner.

"Coming!" He yelled, getting up from his bed and walking downstairs.

"What's for dinner?" 

"Nanohana no Karashiae, Your favourite." she said, giving him a smile.

Akaashi sat at the table and patiently waited for his food. 

The two ate as they talked about school and work, and some other random things.

"Hey Keiji?" Akaashi poked his head up to see that his mother was staring at him.

Shit, did I do something? Is there something on my face?


"Do you like anyone?" 

Akaashi stared at his mother with his chopsticks and food in his mouth.

"Why do you ask?" Akaashi said as he set his chopsticks on the table and gulped down his food.

"Because you've never talked to me about your love life? Are there any girls you like or..?" She continued to eat her food.

Eh.. Should I tell her? I mean she's my mother and she's super supportive.. but what if she isn't supportive about my sexuality? what if she yells at me? 


Fuck it.

"I don't like girls."

"Really!? So you like boys!?" She smiled brightly at Akaashi.

Wasn't expecting that reaction..

"Yeah, I guess.." He looked down, finishing up the rest of his food.

"Wow.. I never would've assumed that, honey.. Well then, Are there any guys you like?"

Akaashi stayed silent for a moment.

"Stop being nosy." He picked up his plate and walked over to the sink to wash it.

"I just wanna know!"

"Not happening." Akaashi stuck his tongue out at his mother and ran upstairs to his room. 

"Akaashi Keiji, Get your butt down here and tell me!" 


The next morning, Akaashi laid in bed, stuck in thought like he always is. His alarm was going off again, but this time he didn't really care. 

"Keiji, get up, You're gonna be late." Akane said as she walked into his room, turning the alarm off.

"5 more minutes."

"No! Get up!" She yelled

"Fine.." Akaashi said while she walked out of the room.

He pulled his arm out from under the blanket to grab his phone.

He then stopped part-way, staring at his hand.

What the-

He pulled his hand a bit closer to his face, as if what he saw was just a hallucination seeing as he just woke up.

There on his right pinky was a thin, red string wrapped around the bottom of the finger.

Akaashi quickly got up and went downstairs to his mom.

"Keiji what the hell are you doing, go get dresse-" She was cut off by her son.

"Nice try mom, you figured out that I like somebody and you just had to try and mess with me."

"What are you talking about?" She asked, frowning at a suddenly mad Akaashi.

He put up his right hand and wiggled his pinky, not saying a word to his mother. 

"Are you feeling okay..?"

"What? Of course I'm not, you put a freaking string on my finger to try and convince me that I actually have a soulmate." Akaashi said angrily.

"Honey... There's nothing there?" She said, now with a worried look on her face.

Akaashi froze, then pulled his hand up to his face. There was definitely a string there

"Maybe you should stay home for the day.." 

"No, it's fine, I'll go get ready now.. I'm sorry." He quickly ran back upstairs and put his uniform on, then stood in the mirror, looking at the dangling string on his finger. 

I'm definitely seeing things.. 

He rubbed his eyes, hoping that it would go away, but it didn't.

Akaashi honestly couldn't tell whether or not it was real.. It's not possible to just randomly be connected to your soulmate by a string on your 16th birthday.

16th birthday.. My birthday was yesterday? If this really was real, why would it only come now? 

He quickly rushed over to his phone to check the time, realising that he was late for school.

He grabbed his bag and ran out of his room and downstairs to the front door.

"Love you mom!" He yelled as he ran outside

The only thing he could think about while running to school  was the stupid string.

Why was it there? Was it real? Did it actually connect to his soulmate?

Guess I have to do some digging...

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