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Akaashi walked to the front door, waiting for it to open. He stood there for about 10 seconds until a familiar face opened the door.

"AkAAASHII!?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Bokuto yelled as he opened the door.

"Quiet, Bokuto-san. I was walking home from Kenma's so I thought I'd come and visit you-"

Akaashi paused and looked behind Bokuto, realising that he wasn't alone. 

"Hey Akaashi! I didn't realise you were coming today?" The girl said as she walked over to the door, and stood beside Akaashi's best friend.

"Oh, no Yukie, he just so happened to be walking by so he thought he'd pay me a visit!" Bokuto said, signalling Akaashi to come inside.

"Ah- It's alright, I'll leave you two alone." Akaashi said, turning away to let a tear drop from his eye. Of course Bokuto didn't notice.

"Are you sure? We can do something together? All 3 of us!" Yukie said enthusiastically. 

"I'm sure.. I'll see you two later." Akaashi walked away. 

He only walked a few metres before he started sobbing.

Why am I still upset about this? I should be happy for him!


Akaashi grabbed his keys, reaching for the door handle until someone opened the door.

His mother smiled at him sweetly, then noticed his red face.

"Keiji? What's wrong? Why is your face all puffy?" She dragged him inside and sat him at the dining table.

"It's nothing, mom.. Really." He lied.

"Keiji, please don't hide anything from me.. You're honestly starting to worry me." She sat down at the table with him and handed him a tissue to wipe his tears.

"It's nothing to worry about." Akaashi wiped away his tears, they were immediately replaced with new ones.

"I just want to help. Let me, please." She begged

Akaashi sat there in silence, he knew he could tell his mother everything, but he also knew that she couldn't do anything to help.

"Remember what we were talking about on the night of my birthday?" 

"Yes.. Is it about someone you like..?" She frowned at him


"Well, what about them? What'd they do? And final question, who are they? I will gladly throw a brick at their kneecaps for hurting my Keiji." Akaashi couldn't help but let out a little laugh. He knew out of all people, his mom would be the one to cheer him up in a situation like this.

"I guess I should tell you.." Akaashi sighed.

"You know Bokuto..?" 

"Oh my god- You like Bokuto!? How could I not notice!?" She smiled brightly.

"Wait, what did he do?" 

"Well.." Akaashi put his head down.

"He likes this girl.. and he didn't even tell me until a few days ago. Now they're constantly hanging out, and he doesn't even tell me! Like, he tells me everything! He even wants to ask her to the dance!" He kept venting, until his mother finally cut him off.

"Keiji.. I understand that you really like him, but don't you think you're being a bit selfish..? I mean, you should be happy that he's finally found someone! And you never know, maybe they'll break up and he'll finally realise his feelings for you." 

Akaashi looked down at his string. Maybe it was all a lie? Maybe the string didn't even matter. You didn't need to be connected to someone to be their soulmate.

Maybe I need to move on.. 

"Maybe you're right.. Thanks mom."

Akaashi got up from his seat and kissed his mother's forehead.

"Love you." 

"Love you too, honey."


Akaashi flopped onto his bed and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Text message from Bokuto-san:
Akaaashii!? Why did you leave so soon?

Akaashi lifted his head onto his pillow and groaned. 

Why do you have to be so clingy! It just makes me want to be around you more!


Text message


Akaaashii!? Why did you
leave so soon?

Don't you want to be alone
with Yukie?

Well I mean, I guess.. But 
you could've stayed! -5:12pm

No thanks, Bokuto-san,
 you have fun.


Akaashi was about to put his phone down when it started ringing. He swiped to answer the call.

"Hey, Beautiful! Are you busy tomorrow?" 

"No, probably not, Why?" 

"Well I was hoping I could take you on a date tomorrow. That is if you want to, it's completely fine if you don't!"

Akaashi was shocked by this, as he had never been on a date before.

"I don't know, Terushima.."

"It'll only be as friends, don't worry. And it won't be anything to fancy, I'll probably just be taking you to a park or something, depending on the weather."

"Ah, if it's only as friends then yeah, I guess that's okay."

"Sweet! I'll text you the time tomorrow. Oh, and send me your address, I'll pick you up."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then." 


Terushima hung up the phone, sounding excited as ever.

First date.. Great..

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