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1 week time-skip brought to you by Kuroo's bed hair.


It had been a week already, the fall dance was coming sooner than Akaashi thought. He needed to think of a plan. He wanted to confess to Bokuto, but didn't know how. He thought he should just tell him that his and Akaashi's strings are connected, but he didn't want to hurt him..

"Alright, you guys ready for tomorrow?" Kuroo asked

"No.." Kenma said, not even peeking up from his switch.

"C'mon Kitten, be more enthusiastic! You're not bringing your games to the dance tomorrow, by the way."

"What!? You can't do that!" He crawled out of Kuroo's lap and gave him a death stare.

"Oh, but I can."

"God you're so annoying."

"Guys stop flirting, we're right here..." 

"Yeah, what Akaashi said!" 

"Quiet, Bokuto-san.."

"Sorry Akaashi." Bokuto apologised to the boy sitting beside him.

The four were at a small coffee shop in the middle of town. They were talking about their preparations for the dance tomorrow, and who is picking up who. Kuroo insisted that he'd drive them all.

"I might actually just go with my friend, because we won't all fit in the car.." Akaashi said, causing Bokuto to frown at him.

"Who's your friend Akaashi?" Kuroo asked.

"Oh just someone I met a few weeks ago, he's cool, you guys would like him."

"Ah, alright. Understandable."

"What, is he your date? What happened to hanging with me? I was going to use you as my shield to stop Kuroo from dragging me onto the dance floor!" Kenma cried, which caused everybody to laugh, except Kuroo, who was deeply offended.

"Ouch, Kitten."

"I love you." Kenma placed a kiss on his knuckle.

"Pack it up lovebirds." Bokuto said.

Kuroo laughed.

"Alright, we have to get going. I have to go buy this adorable idiot something to wear, because he has nothing but hoodies and t-shirts in his closet." Kuroo got up and grabbed Kenma's hand, pulling him up to his feet.

"Alright, see you guys!" Bokuto waved, along with Akaashi as they exited the coffee shop.

"I should get going too, I told Yukie that we'd wear something matching, isn't that adorable, 'Kaashi!?" 

"Yeah, it is.. I'll see you tomorrow, Bokuto-san."

"Bye, Akaashi!" 

Akaashi watched Bokuto as he left the shop, examining his hanging string. 

He didn't want to break Bokuto's heart, that would just make him hate Akaashi for lying to his face. 

"Earth to Akaashi?? Anyone home in that beautiful mind of yours?"

 Akaashi snapped out of his thoughts thanks to Terushima, who was sitting across from him.

"Oh, hey. What are you doing here?"

"You said you were meeting your friends here today so I wanted to come and meet them but.. They're not here? Did they ditch you..? Do I need to smack a bitch?"

Akaashi giggled, causing Terushima to smile.

"They left a few minutes ago, they had to prepare for tomorrow."

"What's going on tomorrow..?"

Akaashi facepalmed.

"You forgot? Seriously? You're my date, you can't forget."

"Oh shit! I forgot that the dance was tomorrow. And also, I'm your date?" Terushima raised one eyebrow and smirked.

"You know what I mean.." Akaashi blushed.

"Whatever you say, beautiful."

"You're annoying." Akaashi scoffed

"You love me though." 

"In your dreams."

Terushima laughed.

"Anyway, we should probably prepare as well.. Do you have any suits or something formal in your wardrobe?" Akaashi asked.

"Dude, you're gonna make me dress formally? No way in hell am I doing that!"

"It's a school dance, Teru.. Of course you have to dress formally. Plus, it's a good impression."

"You act as if I'm your boyfriend, could you at least save all this for Bokuto when you finally confess to him?"

"Who said I'm confessing to him..?" Akaashi frowned

"God, Akaashi, I'm sick of you saying this shit then whining to me later on. If you truly love him then just go for it! Stop moping around, even if it does backfire, you can come to me and I'll be your new best friend!"

Akaashi pouted at Terushima, causing him to giggle a little.

"You look stupid, I'm taking a photo of this for blackmail."

"No! Don't!" Akaashi pounced over the table to grab Terushima's phone.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Chill dude, it's not like I know anybody you know."

"Yeah, not at the moment! You're going to have to meet my friends tomorrow." Akaashi said, making Terushima frown.

"Yeah yeah.."

"Alright.. Well, I better get going, if I want to make a 'good impression' then I'm gonna have to do a few things tonight." Terushima got up from his seat.

"Like what?" Akaashi said

"I'll figure that out when I get home."

They both laughed, then exited the coffee shop and headed home after saying their goodbyes.


"Hey, mom, I'm home-" Akaashi froze at the doorway leading to the dining room.

He saw his mother staring at him, and an unknown man sitting across from her.

"Oh, Hi Keiji, I didn't think you'd be home so soon.." His mother greeted him, then looked over to the man, who was looking at Akaashi.

"Ah- Right, I forgot you two haven't met. This is Kai."

"Nice to meet you, Keiji!" Kai said, waving to Akaashi.


The two sat at the table in silence, while Akaashi shut the front door.

"Keiji, come sit down with us." Akane said.

Akaashi hummed.

"It's alright, I'll leave you two alone to talk about.. Adult things? I'm kind of tired anyway.. Nice meeting you Kai." Akaashi walked upstairs to his room, he put his phone on charge and went to his closet to change into something more comfortable.

It was only 5pm so Akaashi just settled himself in bed and scrolled through instagram. One post caught his eye, a photo that Bokuto posted.

It was him and Yukie, standing in a park, standing kind of close. They weren't doing anything other than smiling, but something about it made Akaashi's eyes water.

God dammit. I have no chance.

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