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"AgAAAASHIII!" Bokuto yelled as he ran at the boy who walked through the gym doors.

"Hi, Bokuto-san."

"Akaashi you're late.."

"Sorry, my teacher kept me back to help out with some work." Akaashi said, bowing to Konoha.

"Konoha! Why do you always act as if you're captain of the team?! Are you trying to make coach replace me?!" Bokuto let go of Akaashi and pouted at Konoha.

"No, I'm just fulfilling your duties as a team captain, seeing as you apparently can't."

Bokuto gasped dramatically and stomped away to the other end of the court.

"This guy just doesn't know how to chill does he." Konoha said as a hand grasped his shoulder.

"That's just who he is." Akaashi smiled.

"You gotta love him for it though. He always brings energy and happiness to the room." He looked down at his hand, viewing the red string that was still wrapped around his finger.

Then he noticed something on Konoha's hand. It was the same red string that was on Akaashi's finger. But of course, they weren't connected.

"Hey Konoha, what's on your finger?" Akaashi asked.

Konoha pulled his hand up and examined it.

"There's nothing there?" He said

Akaashi froze.

"Oh, guess I'm just seeing things.."

Why am I the only one that can see it?

Akaashi examined Konoha's string more, and realised that it was connected to something. His eyes followed the direction the string was heading in, noticing that it was connected to Washio's finger.

He tried to hold back his laughter.

Konoha and Washio? Wow, I never would've guessed.

Akaashi looked back down at his own hand, and he noticed that it was also connected to something. He gazed over to where the string apparently was, and his eyes opened wide when he saw who it was connected to.

No way..


Akaashi was walking out of the locker room when a person jumped out in front of him.

"Ready to walk home, Akaashi!?" Bokuto yelled, causing Akaashi to jump back.

"Bokuto-san, don't do that!" Akaashi yelled.

"Sorry, Akaashi!" Bokuto said, bowing down at least 10 times before Akaashi asks him to stop.

"I don't really want to go home just yet, would you like to go get something to eat?" Akaashi asked as he stepped away from Bokuto, heading to the door.

"Yes!! There's a small corner café we can go to, c'mon!" Bokuto ran to Akaashi and grabbed his hand, rushing out of the gym.

"Bokuto-san slow down..! We can walk from here, there's no rush." Akaashi said, as Bokuto slowed down.

"Alright fine.." Bokuto groaned.

"I wanted to ask you something anyways."

"Oya? Akaashi is asking me a question?"

"What's so shocking about it? I ask you things all the time.."

"Yeah but this one seems important? Is something wrong? Do you need some advice from your best friend?"

"Nothing's wrong.. It's just.."

Akaashi stopped walking, making Bokuto stop as well. He turned around to face him, noticing that he was looking straight at him.

"Did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble!?" Bokuto panicked.

"No, Bokuto-san, it's just-" Akaashi paused for a second.

"Have you heard of the red thread of fate?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah I have! My mom always used to tell me that story!" Bokuto said as he turned back around.

"Do you believe it?" Akaashi asked again, wanting to get as much information as he can.

"I mean.. I'm 17 and I don't see any string? So a part of me doesn't, But another part of me just thinks that It only appears on a few people or something like that." He said, looking up into the bright blue sky.

"Or maybe I just don't have a soulmate."

Akaashi walked the rest of the way stuck in his own thoughts.

Should I tell him that I can see the string? That I can see other people's strings?

Shortly after their little talk, the two teens arrived at the café. It was surprisingly empty, they expected that everybody would be here in groups and pairs.

They sat at a table in the corner, right next to the window.


I don't really ship Washio and Konoha, I see Konoha as a straight, (lMao a straight) but I wanted to add some spice :)

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