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The 3 boys entered the gymnasium, inside were hundreds of people dancing to the music, everybody shouting and screaming the lyrics to the songs that played over the speakers. There was a food and drink table over in the corner. The two people that caught Akaashi's eye were Konoha and Washio, who were out on the dance floor jumping around. Konoha gave Akaashi a death stare before Washio dragged him further into the crowd.


"Suga?" Akaashi walked over to the food and drinks table where he was greeted with Sugawara and Daichi.

"Hey! How have you been?" Suga asked.

Akaashi looked down to see that they were holding hands. Cutest thing about it was that there was a small thread that connected their fingers.

"I've been alright, how about you guys?" Akaashi smiled

"We've been okay, spring prelims are getting to our team's head though.. Hinata keeps missing Kageyama's sets for some reason, it's really starting to worry me.."

"Ah- That must be tough.." Akaashi said, then felt a hand on his shoulder, he quickly turned to see Terushima standing behind him.

"Oh, guys this is Terushima. Teru, this is Suga and Daichi."

"Nice to meet you, Terushima!" Daichi said, holding out his hand for him to shake.

"You too." He grabbed hold of his hand and shook it.

"Alright, you guys go have fun!" Suga said, shooing them away.

Terushima dragged Akaashi onto the dance floor.

"C'mon, Let's dance!" Terushima grabbed Akaashi's hand and started jumping around.

He couldn't help but laugh at the current situation.

After a few minutes of dancing, the two boys were worn out by jumping around. They went to go stand by Kenma and Kuroo, who were talking over on the side of the gym.

"Tired already?" Kuroo smirked.

"Shut up, Kuroo." Akaashi said while panting.

"Have you guys seen Bokuto?" Akaashi asked.

"Oh, yeah he was walking out of the gym with Yukie last time I saw him. He might be outside somewhere." Kuroo said whilst he played with Kenma's hair, as Kenma sat in his lap.

"Go find him, I'll stay here with these guys." Terushima insisted.

"Oh, are you finally going to confess?"

"Kenma!" Akaashi yelled quietly.

"Akaashi, it's obvious that you like Bokuto, you don't need to hide it from me." Kuroo said, still treading his fingers through his boyfriend's hair.

"Jeez, yeah just blurt it out into the world."

The 3 boys laughed while Akaashi stood there, annoyed.

"I'm gonna go look for him."

Akaashi quickly walked out the gym doors, and looked around for Bokuto. It took him a few minutes to find him and Yukie sitting on a bench under a tree, watching the sunset.

He couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

"This is nice, Bokuto.. Thank you for asking me to come with you. I'm having a really good time." Yukie said, looking at her date.

"Yeah.. Um, Yukie there was something I wanted to ask you.." Bokuto was fiddling with his hands.

"What is it?"

"I um.."

"I really like you.. And I was hoping that you would maybe consider being my girlfriend..?"

Akaashi couldn't listen to another word from the conversation, he quickly walked back inside unnoticed before he could hear her answer, knowing that she'd say yes. A few tears dropped from Akaashi's eyes, when he got back to Kuroo, Kenma and Terushima, they all looked at him worriedly.

"Akaashi.. What happened..?" Terushima grabbed Akaashi and pulled him into a hug.

"I was too late.. He already asked her.."

"What did she say..?" Kuroo asked, pulling Kenma off of his lap and standing up.

"I left before she could reply to him.. But I already know she said yes."


Yes, I know that Fall, or Autumn as I call it, isn't close to spring at all. But lets just say that Karasuno started training early

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