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"Akaashi, what are you doing? Are you not going to get ready?!" Akane yelled as she walked into Akaashi's room.

Akaashi was sitting in bed playing on his phone, contemplating on actually going to the dance or not. Of course, he knew he had to, but he wanted to think that he had a choice.

"Yeah yeah, I'll be ready soon."

"Hurry up! Terushima will be here to pick you up soon!" She walked out, closing the door behind her.

Akaashi quickly groaned into his pillow before getting off his bed to get changed.

He grabbed a white button-up shirt and some black pants. He didn't want to bother with a tie, plus it would just look better without. He quickly put his clothes on and walked into the bathroom.

"Why would he like me..?" Akaashi whispered as he stared into the mirror.

"You good there, beautiful?"

"Jesus fucking christ- Teru what the hell? When did you get here!?" Akaashi looked at Terushima, who was leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face. He was dressed in a white button-up with a black tie and black pants, similar to Akaashi's outfit.

"I only got here a few seconds ago, calm your shit."

Terushima looked at Akaashi, up and down.

"You look nice, babe."

Akaashi punched Terushima's shoulder.

"Dude chill! Didn't you say I was your date?"

"I already told you that we're going as friends." Akaashi turned back to the mirror.

"Jeez, okay!" 

Akaashi quickly fixed his hair, then walked out to his room to get his phone.

"Alright, I assume my mom wants to take photos..?"

"Yeah.. she told me to come and check if you looked good for photos." Terushima laughed.

"God, moms, am I right?"

"My mother was the same, although she stopped when I turned 16."

Akaashi hummed.

"Alright.. Let's go then I guess."

Akaashi and Terushima walked downstairs, Akane was talking to Kai in the living room. The two glanced up.

"Sweetie you look amazing!" His mother quickly walked over to her son and pinched his cheeks.

"Won't want to get his cheeks all red, Ms.Akaashi." Terushima smirked at Akaashi.

"I told you, honey, call me Akane!"

"Alright, hurry up and take your stupid photos so we can get out of here." Akaashi said

"Stop being so rude to your mom, 'Kaashi!" Terushima chuckled until he was met with an elbow to his right arm.

"Ow~ So mean!" Terushima yelped. (Oikawa reference, lmao)

After Akane took the photos, the two boys scurried out to their car, waving goodbye to the two adults standing at the doorstep.

"Who was the guy? Your mom's boyfriend?" Terushima asked as he fixed up his rear mirror.

"I honestly don't even know.. I can tell she likes him, I can read her like a picture book."

Terushima laughed.

"Well, he seems nice. It kinda seems like you don't like him though?"

"I have no problem with him. He's a nice man, perfect for my mother.. I just want her to be happy. After what happened to my dad, I can't help but feel worried about her and her love life."

"You're scared that he'll leave your mom?" Terushima frowned at Akaashi for a split second before reverting his eyes back to the road in front of them.

"I guess you could say that.. Apart from that, I'm glad she's found someone like him.."

The two talked the rest of the way, Akaashi explained what his friends were like. Kuroo and Bokuto being the crazy ones who cause trouble everywhere they go, and Kenma being shy yet the emotional support of their group. Of course, Terushima fit most of those categories. He was crazy and stupid, but he gave great advice and could cheer anyone up. Akaashi was glad to call him his friend.

"Alright, you ready?" Terushima asked.

"Ready for heart break? Yeah, I guess I am."

Terushima groaned.

"Quit spoiling my fun, Akaashi! Let's go!"

The two boys got out of the car and walked to the school entrance. Akaashi texted Kuroo and Bokuto that they'd meet them there. To their luck, everybody was already standing at the gate, dressed up with their dates by their side.

"Hey guys." Akaashi said as everybody glanced over to him and Terushima.

"Hi." Terushima quickly said as he smirked at the 4 people standing in front of them.

"Ah- This is Terushima. Teru, this is Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, and Yukie." Akaashi pointed to each one as he said their names.

Terushima glanced over to Yukie, giving her a death stare. He gave Akaashi a little nudge.

"What-" Before Akaashi could speak, the 3 were already talking and questioning Terushima.

"So, how long have you known Akaashi?"

"How old are you?"

"Do you live in the area?"

"Where did you two meet?"

"Ah, I-" Terushima was cut off by Akaashi.

"It's fine, Teru, they're just trying to intimidate you."

"Yeah bro, chill. It's just how we greet new people!" Kuroo said as he put his hand on Terushima's shoulder. He just laughed then looked over at Akaashi.

"Well, we should get inside, it's getting chilly out here.." Bokuto said as he took Yukie's hand and walked into the dance. Soon followed by Kuroo, who tried to grab Kenma's hand but he pulled away.

"I wanna talk to Akaashi, you go in without me."

"Alright, Kitten."

Kuroo ran up to Bokuto and Yukie, and walked inside the gymnasium with them, leaving Akaashi, Terushima and Kenma outside.

"That girl is Yukie? Bokuto chose.. that over you?" Terushima said.

"Terushima!" Akaashi stared at Terushima.

"Uh.. Anyways, Akaashi. You need to fess up tonight!" Kenma said as he looked up at Akaashi.

"I agree with.. Kenma, your name was..?"

"Yeah. Wait, you know about his situation?"

"Oh, yeah. I've tried to make him confess so many times but he just won't budge."

"Tell me about it.." Kenma and Terushima laughed.

"God I hate you both."

"Yeah yeah, alright let's go in, it's freezing out here!" Kenma started to walk to the gym, followed by Terushima and Akaashi.

This is going to be interesting..

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