Chapter 3 : Blue Trees

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"can you draw?" Vanshika Di asked amusedly, seeing my reaction to the mess that art students had created around the room. My OCD was kicking me from inside to scrub it, sort it, and just make this room more spacey other than just an area that had been crammed up with all sorts of art supplies, and then humans were later on added to it. I'll start with the waste bin why can't people just threw the rubbish inside it not AROUND it.

"Avi right from class 11- A? Can you draw?" Vanshika Di the head of the art club asked again this time louder. Poor girl just see her and one could say she's an art student for sure. Maybe I could start by cleaning her she also needs some dusting.

I had told Riya that she can go I'll do her punishment too. She had tuitions right after the school hours she couldn't afford to miss them because of my stupidity.

"I can draw stick figures will that count?" I answered Vanshika Di honestly.

"I draw beautiful stick figures especially those family one in which all the members hold each other's hands. I had drawn it when I was six my mother had put that sheet on the refrigerator" I stated proudly. I messed it a little though, by adding my cat Shiru to our family group it looked odd having him standing on two legs and I was still learning how to draw animals stick figures.

Vanshika Di stared at me for some seconds wondering what to do with this information.
She sighed eventually, "can you paint?"

"I don't paint I don't like painting it is so-"

Vanshika appeared almost near to tearing her hair in frustration.

"It's like the punishment was meant for us by sending this freak here" whispered but loud enough for me to hear, a girl sketching leaning over the chart paper laid out in the middle, with a group of students around it working on the same piece.

I peeped over what were they making it was a watermelon that was making faces?? ...oh it was the Emblem.

"Wow," I said.

Their heads snapped up at me with smirks seeing me looking so stunned.

"This looks horrible," I said looking at them with an impressed expression, "How did you do that?"

"Says the one who draws stick figures"the girl holding the brush retorted looking like she would stab me with that brush.

"My stick figures look like stick figures unlike your what it is? by the way, a watermelon in mid of deciding to sneeze or cry?"

"It's the Emblem haven't you seen that before?" the other girl explained to me as if I was some stupid little kid.

"Have you?" I asked back genuinely looking confused cause if one had seen it they would never make it like that. So incorrect.

"Okay, Avi take this chart and paint the tree on it can you? oh, you can do it! Now go" Vanshika Di quickly handed me a chart paper before there started a war because girls weren't looking so happy with my honest review.

I stared at the tree on the chart, "oh this looks nice"

"I made it!" a boy in big glasses told, sat in the adjacent seat, shyly.

I smiled," I have never seen a tree like this"

Vanshika pushed me, "sit there at the corner" she muttered shooing me away.

I was doing a good job I appreciated myself the tree which I painted was looking better maybe I had some real undiscovered talent in painting just look at this I leaned back in the chair beaming at my amazing painting skills.

The chattering and whispering were ceased to silence. I glanced up what was the matter suddenly.

"You don't have to do that Lux I mean Laksh" I heard Vanshika Di speaking nervously in a small voice

Lux !!!

I got up immediately because from where I was assigned to sit I couldn't see anything what was happening in front.

Oh, indeed it was Lux what was he doing here? Oh shit, my training was starting from today...I peeped again oh he's coming here I looked away but I peeped once more oh he's definitely coming towards me.

When did he start liking art?? He must've made a bucket list to try things he had never done before. Starting from roaming around girls' washroom, tutoring the girl who hit him with the tap and then coming to art class, having a good looking face ahh...That last point was so irrelevant.

I dropped down busying myself with the painting. With the clustered mind I didn't realize I was painting the tree blue!!!. But I didn't want to look up so I continued painting blue!!. Someone sat beside me shifting the chair back.

Please please God it shouldn't be who I think it is with a name starting with L and it's a boy of course. What the heck I was playing guess who with God.
Taking a deep breath, slowly I glanced his way


And miracles don't happen in real life.

He stared back at me with the same bored expression that urged me to dance and do something completely nonsense to make him laugh or read to him Munsi Prem Chandra stories because that dude wrote some damn emotional stuff. Just to wipe Lux's layer of boredom off and see ...I coughed what the hell I was thinking, always got lost in my thoughts.

"Blue?" He said starting one word conversation.

Were we playing a color combination game?

"Pink" I replied mulling over it.
"On the second thought purple won't even look bad too with blue what about grey and blue unique combination " I blurted couldn't stop myself from adding.

He was looking down at my tree.

I followed the line of vision

I recoiled back cringing I painted the tree blue from up to down.

I composed myself copying his boredom expression, "they said they wanted it blue and of course blue trees exist it's Independence Day we should try something new. It portrays sacrifice" I don't know what I was speaking.

He stared at me I felt uncomfortable yikes look away dude I know I am beautiful just don't make me embarrassed about it now.

Shrugging, he went back to his work.

Being nosy from nature I squinted my eyes to see what was he doing. He also got a tree and he was painting it blue!

Are nahi..

I clapped a hand to my mouth muffling my struggle of shouting where's your brain??? For a criminal son's he wasn't that sharp-minded!

Should I tell him I glanced around the room for Vanshika Di. She'll kill me twice.

Okay, nothing can be undone. Let's accept it and move on. We can have two blue trees no big deal. Or I was too scared to correct him.

I shook my head settling back, in the process knocking down the water glass over the chart. Kill me just kill me already. Yeah, drown now drown this was only I was waiting for!

Lux looked back at me hearing the noise.

I was picking the glass up, the thought of him judging me behind the curtain of boredom like what a clumsy person are you Avi shame on you was so irking therefore, I acted cool as if I was purposely pouring water to my chart.
"It adds a watery effect like the tree is wet in rain. Independence Day yeah we should change the season the setting this year it's monsoon background it portrays
patriotism" like before I didn't know what I said.

For some reason, it made sense to Lux cause he just shrugged and POURED THE WATER ON HIS CHART!!

Oh God!!! I jerked looking around frantically and found Vanshika Di shocked, her eyes popped out seeing Lux pouring water.

Then he turned back at me and I swear on my cat Shiru; I saw a smirk and an evil glint in his eyes.

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