Chapter 17 : Do you like me?

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He smiled and all I could think was
'Oh shit'

The fifth period was free. Being the optional and the teacher absent, Laksh decided that instead of playing antakshari like I thought. Even Aryan agreed to play and I also managed to pull Riya from her place to us. But Laksh rained on my parade saying I should not waste my time rather utilize it in studying. This side of him wasn't much attractive.

Oh yeah I could say that but I loved ..just a little too much annoying him by doing the complete opposite. Well I never said I am going to make his work easy. He can't boss me around. That easily.

"I am sleepy I think I will sleep" I laid my head down on the desk, very much aware Laksh was irritated at my drama.

"Did you complete your homework?" He asked for the third time today, which(homework) I didn't do like again and again and again...

"A sleeping person can't reply" I mumbled.

"You're wasting time you know?"Laksh said not being fun at all.

"You're boring you know?"I asked, tilting my head at him

I lifted my head.

"Let's get this straight you don't like me I don't like you either," I said staring at him with a bored look, blowing on my nails. I don't like him, yes if I kept on saying it to myself, maybe I'll believe it also.

He returned with an equally blank.

I continued nevertheless, "so let's pretend we are in love"

He did something I guess must've shocked him too, he laughed Laksh freaking Kashap laughed.

I turned around, back at the class, in shock couldn't believe in my own eyes and ears.

Unfortunately, the class missed this epic moment due to the constant chattering. Where's this class freaking captain?

When I turned Laksh was back to normal that is back to being Laksh. Which made me more confused, maybe I imagined it, so I repeated, "let's-

"I heard you the first time" he cut me off.

"What's so funny then? 'Us' pretending to be in love part?" I asked trying not to sound offended. I mean I get that he laughs and it was a pleasant sound but I didn't like what he laughed at.

When it was exactly how I meant to come across, in a joke way.

Honestly,I just don't get myself when I was around him. That pretending and me being me real, line gets blurry with his case and I don't know how to behave then.

"The love part" he said slowly but intently.

"Ohh bad boys don't fall in love that way?" I mocked.

"Well I don't know about bad boys but I am not good at pretending" he told shrugging looking at me.

I wasn't expecting an honest reply.

I replayed his words taking them in slowly

And he again had me here speechless

Was he flirting with me?

I chewed my lower lip usually I would have come back with a savage or a funny reply instead of gasping like a fish out of water. Immediately I got up taking my books.

"Umm..library can we go to the library..? Right.." I babbled walking my way out of the class, stumbling and bumping to desk which hurt like bish!. I kicked the desk annoyed at it forgetting Tanya was behind it.

The day couldn't get any better.

At the Library my mind was all over the place. My heart; that stupid dude had freaking gone insane now, so let's not talk about it. Ever

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