Chapter 4 : I find you entertaining

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"you leave it kid, it's not for you," Vanshika Di said patting my arm with a tired look on her face.

I argued," but my punishment I-"

"I will not tell the Principal don't worry just don't come back again and yeah.." she looked back at the two blue soaked trees and other art students glaring at me. The same girl who drew our country's emblem unbelievably wrong hissed, "do you have any idea how much time it took us to make those trees!"

"If you people work individually than working in a group it won't take that much time" I advised casually. Art should be done solo not in groups.

The appeared berserk near to doing something violent.

Vanshika Di sighed coming in between,
"just go and you also Lux..Laksh no offense" with that she closed the door of the art room on our faces and to my undiscovered talent which I just found out.

"But I took a liking to the painting" I spoke to the door pouting.

"Me too," Lux said looking sideways at me, leaning against the wall in a cool manner.





I gaped covering my chest. "Why are you following me? See I am not that kinda girl I come from well-reputed family. I don't do that thing.. shit " I exhaled loudly, "it's such a burden to be beautiful nowadays I totally get you why you couldn't control yourself from following me-"

Yawning, he jumped back to his feet and left.

I blew my cheeks annoyed by his un-bothered I'm so cool attitude. I dragged myself catching up with him,
" honestly, Mr. Lux I am not liking this behavior of yours why did you agree to be my partner why are you you know did that in the art ..." for some reason that blue trees episode looked now cute and so... I was hopelessly romantic ehhh I connect everything around it.

I cleared my throat pressing my now red cheeks, "look this is not good for my reputation" I stared down as if I was talking to the ground, "I can understand if you have a crush on me or love that is alright it's completely normal it happens don't worry it will get over soon just don't lose your hope..."

*A few moments later*

"Take my example I fall in love every day just see one cute boy dang! and I am in love" my neck was aching a little now. I looked at my watch yikes time really flies by.
I lifted my head the back muscles were in knots I rubbed my neck groaning.

He was still here listening to me babbling nonsense.. the boy really likes me I guess.

"I don't like you," he said.

I smirked knowing what it follows, "You love me huh?"

His eyes were back to that evil glint, "I find you entertaining"


"He said that,"my best friend Riya asked for the third time. I told her the entire 8 words conversation I had with Lux.

"Yes he said I am entertaining"

"Like a joker?"

"He didn't mean that of course. He was referring to a cute fairy who put a smile on others"

"I think he was referring to a short joker who does funny things around"

"You're not helping" I blew my bangs off my forehead.

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