Chapter 2 : Nahiiii

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When I joined this school Lux was absent. The buzz around wasn't of a new student, correction an ultimate high on sugar rush labeled 'freak' now, kinda girl joined the so-called town popular school with uptight snobs talking about getting invited to Ambani's parties,(sighs,) rather it was about Lux's absence on the very day when I newly joined this school.

That's a bit suspicious, but Riya says it's a mere coincidence so I let it drop.

Anyway, that day I realized Lux was some really important person other than just being highlighted by his *eyebrow-raising* soap name Lux. Later on, I got to know that his name was Laksh and his father is the most wanted criminal in the country with seven murders on his record. Lux was in my class sat at the back kept to his own business.

I stayed in my world.

Hence, we never crossed each other paths.

It was all dandy until now.

I looked at the Principal of my school with the most innocent look. Behind me, Lux and Riya sat. The situation at the washroom you know me hitting Lux with the tap and water surging out could have been over by just running away from the scene but the girls yes the drama hunger girls screamed created it into some roadside brutal accident, and yeah reacted as if Tsunami came over.

With the mayhem comes the Principal's call to the office.

"Miss Avi Shukla, would you like to explain what happened?" Mrs. Mourya, Principal asked folding her arms over her chest

I gulped.

I opened my mouth but was interrupted by the witnesses who were also called upon.

"I saw it! I saw it with my own eyes she threw the tap angrily at Lux," a girl out of three in a group yapped frantically.


Lux appeared as if he would sleep at any moment. He just shrugged in response.

My mouth hung open in disbelief.

"I didn't! It was an accident" I told the Principal, I was almost on the verge of crying due to anger. I hate liars.

"And what was he doing in the girl's washroom!"I pointed my finger at Lux accusingly.

He narrowed his eyes at me.

I babbled, "I-I don't have anything against him he was at the wrong place and if you pick up any history book you would see no men are allowed in girls' washroom and vice versa" I sighed stating the fact.

"I rest my case" Couldn't stop myself from adding

Riya facepalmed.

Lux got up he walked slowly towards me with the same blank expression but his brown eyes twinkled now, "So if we reverse the gender here, the tap would have avoided striking me?"

What kinda weird convo we having here??

Girls present there gasped cause Lux broke his own record of talking, he never spoke anything more than monosyllable words

I held the arm of the chair nervously looking at Riya for help, "um.."

He was unhurt if we ignored a little swelling on his forehead so I don't see any point as to why he bothered arguing and I don't know why I did, cause Principal hardly will speak against what he does.

Riya chose the correct moment to intervened, "we are really sorry Ma'am it was completely accidental we never wanted to hurt Lux and the tap was broken due to our carelessness we won't repeat it."


The principal happened to believe Riya but didn't let go of us easily we got punishment for our reckless behavior and disruption to school property. We were made to help the art club students in making banners for the coming Independence Day Function so now we had to stay back after school gets over. I hated Lux for getting away out of it unscratched. What was he doing in girls washroom? No one was brave enough to ask that not even one person. Anyway, not my headache but it was unfair I shook my head before I planned myself protesting against it. Against a school delinquent nope not interested

I came out of my train of thoughts listening to what my chemistry teacher was saying who I had zoned out, "You have to act seriously Avi your grades are dropping you don't even pay attention in class.."

Same thing I spaced out again. I had my shift after school at the mall how would I squeeze in one more workload, I have to also complete new Netflix series I just started I can't leave it hanging.

I came back again to know where my chemistry teacher reached,

"I have decided" he said.

this is new usually it should be around this is the last warning I am giving you.

"You will sit here in front and I am changing your partner to someone I know would help you and you will listen to"

I don't like where this was going...

" he has the highest in the class"

I think I might have an idea as to who it was

"will sit in front with you"

Nah he won't agree... I smiled slyly

"Lux has agreed to assist you"

Say what! my smile fell

"Since your grades are poor in other subjects too so you have him as your partner for all the classes"


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