Chapter 14 : Oh no I am staring

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And you sir, you're very attractive. Therefore I will stare at you

I just stood there watching them or him. My heart which had lost his mind if he ever had . Because that organ was messing up with his routinely work. Can't even manage a few heartbeats properly. What heart you are?

Lux was in the school uniform how can someone pull off such simple maroon pants and white shirt so well was beyond me. He knows how to carry himself how to have everyone's eyes on him.

Oh no I am staring

I shook myself reminding that he's luring me in with that face I can't fall for it.
I hurried back inside locking the door. So that he can't enter I won't let him have it, he can't just go around dictating my life. He just can't make me study or whatsoever.

"Are you out of your mind Avi? Open the goddamn door!" Riya yelled banging the other side of the door.
Oh shit I forgot she was also there

Damn, Lux was affecting my concentration ability, my eyesight quality and my speeding heartbeats why did I feel so elated, so excited. Something was wrong with me
Something was seriously wrong with me. Because, I just threw my best friend under the bus. This wasn't the type of a person I was.

I leaned back against the door exhaling out "Is Lux there with you?" I asked hesitantly, to be extra sure and clear the doubt in case I imagined him.

"Yes" Lux answered coolly.

Shattering my doubt

I looked down muttering a curse.

"So we are not gonna let them in?" Kavya asked from across the room sipping from her teacup casually, like it was an everyday thing, students ditching their school and barging in her house ah ha so normal.

Riya and I said together.


"You better let me in Avi, I didn't just bunk the school for standing outside here!"

"It wasn't required just go back to where you both came from!" I told them not even feeling a tinge of remorse for my best friend.

Blame Lux!

I was true friend before this all.

"Oh I see how this is going now.. well don't say I didn't warn you Princess" Riya said in much calm and strained voice than a betrayed person should.

There were no sounds from the other side for some moments. Suspicion aroused, I tuned around peeking through the eye hole on the door.

And found no one??

Where were they?

Someone tapped my shoulder from behind, startled I slowly turned with dread crossing over my face.

"Hey best friend"

"How did you get in!"

"Back door!" Kavya answered grinning like she didn't just betray me.

Are there really no such things as true friends??

They were scheming and plotting against me when they should have helped me in getting rid of Lux.

My head turned to Lux

"If I am making you feel uncomfortable and it's obvious you're completely avoiding me then I should just leave. Maybe I would transfer to another country" Lux said totally understanding me and left for his flight to Zimbabwe.

In my head

He did


Dang it! in reality he said looking straight in my eyes, his light brown poisoning mine, "so shall we study?"

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