Chapter 10 : Run off

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War for seat?

My opinions on war was like I don't like them. I mean who would be a war lover kinda person?A probably some psycho dictator I guess.

Just pick any history book and you'll find that nothing good ever comes out of wars.

But isn't destruction sometimes the cause of creation? because yeah please again pick up the History book and you'll know that a great revolution had followed after every massive destruction. If there weren't World War 1 the countries would still be under a monarchy system, under the oppression of European rulers no signs of equality. And Independence would never be heard of.

For someone who didn't like history I knew a lot about history. Oh well you should know about the world you're living in and I never said I was dumb.

I wonder what creation would be after this war.

Both the parties(Lux and Ishaan) stared at each other head-on.

Lux tapped the seat again impatiently. For some reason that movement was so so oh leave it I just wish that boy was ugly then I would have better control over myself

Ishaan making us on the edge what would be his move now??. The class anticipated with thrill and odd excitement. I saw Riya at the door I pity her, she had the seat near the door(I hate that seat position from every fiber in my body!! Argg) stealthily recording this in her mobile.

My eyes turned finding Tanya's
yikes if looks could kill I would be down to ash right now. Actually all of the girls glared at me. As if they would die to be in my position right now.

Ishaan grinned that lazy uncaring grin. I made a mental note to take the snapshot of them from Riya's phone.

And Lux's clenched his sharp jaw. Jawline?


I wouldn't give my position to anyone. Such close up views I can't even dream of them this clearly.

"You really don't want to do this" Ishaan advised.

"This is my seat" Lux simply repeated again.

"It's not " Ishaan told smoothly.

Lux stepped back

What what??

No no!!

I want more!

Even the class hmmmm in disappointment

Lux held a fist.

No no!!

Shit he can't hit Ishaan just because of some seat. near me.

That's so




I shook my foggy head. I got up being a rational person here.

"Lux this is not your seat" I told him wisely.

The withering look he gave divided me into two, either to run away miles away or just take a glass wine and 'observe' him.

"This is Ishaan's - ah" my mouth stayed open you know the wine part well that now ran away because now Lux looked beyond furious.

"I mean you can sit here I can sit in front" I completed quickly.

Allowing him to sit in my place with Ishaan

And everybody's head turned to me as If what I said was some other planets language.

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