Chapter 5 : Talk?

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When he said alone. He meant me away from people not just the two of us in a room kind of way. He was referring to a situation where he wanted to have a word with me, he wanted me to be free to hear what he had to say not anything otherwise..

I zoned out sitting at the ice cream parlor with Ishaan while he 'talked' about something.

The moment he said alone I had rushed off changed my clothes, touched up my makeup, and left my shift early to have some 'alone' time with him.

But not like this

I dig the spoon in my mint chocolate chip ice cream. Looking up at him through my lashes. He carried on speaking and I pretended I was listening to what he said by nodding my head and smiling a little. My mood was spoilt just one highschool romance I wanted, is it too much to ask for?

I bit my lip tasting my brand new lip gloss I just wasted it for nothing. I'd applied thinking no actually hoped our alone meeting got heated up and went up a notch or something. I giggled at my not so innocent thoughts.

Ishaan shot me a weird look then smiled, "did you even listen to what I said just now?"

I nodded grinning. My face burned with embarrassment.

He laughed which looked more of a forced kinda.

I tilted my head observing him I was so bad at reading people and their intentions,
Nevertheless, I kept my smile on and said, "Will you repeat it for me Ishaan? I got dazzled by your beauty" I fluttered my eyelashes again but stopped at the right time before I come off as retarded.

He laughed again looking pleased by the compliment he said, "I was just asking about you I mean we never get to know each other properly"

Was he seriously asking me???

I mean is this his way of telling me he loves me?

"Me?" I looked back just to check it was me he was talking to.

"Yes, you who else?" He laughed more loudly this time.

You love me?

Yes you who else


I pursed my lips getting readying myself on a count of three I started, "So my name is Avi Shukla I am from UK"

"What?" he appeared shocked like everybody when I told.

I continued, ignoring him" full form Uttarakhand I recently shifted here with my cat Shiru. We have a love and hate kinda relationship. He always scratched my face off when I enter the home so I wear a mask for protection..."
I told him a 'few' tales of Shiru and Avi's adventure land.

Some were funny.

"He thought I was dead" I laughed wiping my tears off, "so he brought wood logs from the fireplace and dropped on me. Good thing he didn't know how to light a fire I won't be here then telling you this story"

Some were very emotional

"I couldn't find him that day I searched everywhere" I sobbed dabbing my eyes with the napkin, "he was missing I can't imagine my life without him it will be so difficult he didn't even leave a note behind that day informing me that he was going for a morning stroll. In short , Life without Shiru is" I blew my nose tossing the napkin back which landed at someone oops. I turned back immediately before they find out it was me.

"Unbearable" I completed glanced at Ishaan who looked as if half of his life left him. He appeared old for some reason... ah no not really but he looked quite exhausted and lifeless.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. Cursing at myself for talking so much not everyone could handle that except Lux....

He snapped out of it shaking his head. Was he sleeping? With his eyes open?

"I am good I was just wondering you didn't tell me about your parents?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

I clutched the chair tightly, "oh yeah well" I cleared my throat feeling a heavy lump in it, "they didn't come they are there only" they can't come.

I averted my eyes by looking down at my watch yikes I was so gone. "Well, Ishaan I enjoyed myself let's do this some other day, again" I made my way to move.

"Ah wait Aishwarya"

I turned correcting by reflex, "Avi"

"Yeah" he scratched his head adorably.

Aww. I sat down involuntarily

"I need your help I mean just a small work and you can say no obviously.." he reached up on the bar counter for my hand he held it then looked up at me forming a most charming smile on his pretty face.

Oh boy

So this is it, he's gonna confessed to me about his undying love for me. Oh no what if I need some time God I can't answer right now but just look at him!

"Aarohi" he started.

"Avi"I corrected closing my eyes. My breathing getting ragged.

"Will you be my spy?"

"Yes yes yes and yes " I nodded my head vigorously

"I will be your- wait" my eyes snapped open.

"Is it just me or did you really say my spy?" I asked just to be confirmed.

It's Ishaan who nodded his head this time, "yes yes yes and yes"

I freed my hand feeling like an idiot now,
"spy on whom by the way?"

Please God don't be who I think it is and you know who it is same letter and of course it's the same boy..

"Lux ... 'cause you're the only one who he talks to," he replied carefully.

Talk? In total he spoke to me roughly around 20 words.

Did I mention Ishaan's father is a DGP in the police department?


"Avi why are you putting sunglasses today?"Riya asked the next morning at school.

"Shhhhh I am on a mission" I told smirking.

Will Avi agree? And if yes won't she be a cute spy? Awwiee 😚

gorgeous new cover credit goes to Abhikhyaaa I love you girl thank you soooo much you make awesome covers my roasting partner ❤️❤️❤️

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