Chapter 1

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The moments the large door turned in front of the girls and I we were already in awe at the place. A tall hallway showed itself in front of us, and we calmly walked down it together. The awe, however, didn't stop when we stopped by a smaller hallway, than the big open one we had walked in, sticking out to the right side of the hallway we already stood in. There were boy voices at the end of it, but they all quickly stopped and told the other's to be silent, because more people were coming. The small hallway was lit up by lights as we took the first step in it, and we walked hand in hand through it.

The girls and I carefully stepped onto a small scene at the end of the hallway carefully looking at the boys as they all sat in shock at the sight of five girls being there. Surely they had been told that there was a chance that it would end up being a co-ed group... right? No?

The boys all bowed from their seats at us girls and of course we bowed back as the well-mannered girls we were, before our leader, Yuri, pointed us to some empty seats where we could sit. We sat in age order as per usual, which meant that Minji sat in the corner and I sat beside one of the boys.

"I think you color coded your seat mate," Dahee nudged my arm and I raised my eyebrows at her before she nodded to the boy on my other side.

Clearly in shock we both looked the other one up and down, realizing how we both wore beige pants and a navy shirt. But neither of us said anything, seemingly too shy or embarrassed to point out the color coordination to the other.

"Ah! Seriously what are the chances," I complained to Dahee who just snickered at me.

"Cute," Hyejin sneakily commented from between Dahee and Yuri.

"Shut it," I glared at her before Dahee silently began muttering the small song we had used to learn better Korean. Neither of us were raised in Korea, and had had to learn the language upon arriving here.

"Uyu joha uyu," Dahee silently sung to herself and I immediately joined her.

"Joha uyu juseyo," we both quietly sang to ourselves as some alarm went off and the rules were explained to us, however Dahee and I were too into our little milk song to even listen, "uyu joha uyu ga jeoho sesangeseo jeil joha."

"Oh! What did it say?" Dahee immediately leaned over to Hyejin who sighed deeply, hearing that neither of us had paid attention.

"Basically, only 12 people will enter I-land, if more people will be voted into I-land another test will be held. We choose the order in which we want to perform. Minji will run for us," Hyejin quietly explained and we both nodded at her.

We silently sat and watched the boys perform and voted on the performances we thought were the best, or the boys we thought were the best. It seemed that our plan was to be the last ones going up on the stage to perform. So once the last group of boys had been up the girls and I stood up and walked up the stage where we all got a head-microphones each and lined up in age order as per usual.

"2, 3!" Yuri counted us in and we all bowed and did our short introduction that was still under development, if we even were to debut in this group, but only if neither of us was succesful in this competition.

"Hello! We are LO formerly from YG entertainment!" we all called out and began doing our individual introductions, ending with me.

"I'm Kang Minji, I'm 20. I've danced at 1million dance studio and been a teacher as well," Minji bowed to the boys.

"I'm Kim Yuri, I'm 19 and the leader of the group. I've also danced and taught at 1million dance studio," Yuri bowed.

"Lee Hyejin," Hyejin bowed, "I'm 18. And I grew up in my parents' dance studio in Ansan."

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