Chapter 12

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The last test of part one was about the final 13. By the end of this test us I-landers would vote out four people and the producers would chose three other that should leave to the Ground as well. This danger meant that everyone wanted to do their utmost best in the performance and many spent loads of hours a day practicing alone, when we weren't doing group practices. I was no exception as to excessive practice.

However, Jungwon and I had found each other as practice buddies to help spot each other on the things we were unsure off and couldn't see ourselves, which also meant that we spend most of our individual time in the smaller practice room together, either helping each other with vocals or with dancing, and also just having loads of fun.

"Ah, I'm so tired," I complained as I laid down on the floor throwing my lyrics paper up in the air, making Jungwon laugh at me, "why must I be so bad at Hangul?"

"Ji! We have to do this!" Jungwon exclaimed at me with a laugh in his voice, making me sigh and sit up straight once again as I snapped the paper from the ground and grabbed my pencil again, "I know you hate this, but we have to get through this."

"I know," I muttered as I marked the parts I had gotten, "can you check if I got everything right?" I questioned him and slid my paper over to him, he nodded and looked back and forth between our papers. That's when I saw her... walking straight for our practice room.

My eyes immediately widened and I quickly stood up, making Jungwon look up at me in confusion before the door into the small practice room opened and there stood, possibly, the most frightening woman in the world. She wore her usual office clothes, her hair pulled back in a tight bun that stretched her face into sharp points as she stood with her clipboard in her arms.

"Choi Jiyeon," the woman spoke up and I bowed to her, feeling quite anxious of suddenly being in her presence again.

"Yes ma'am?" I spoke out. She let out an angry huff and handed me the clipboard with a contract on it.

"Your proper resigning contract is here now," she pointed out and I grabbed the clipboard and quickly bent down and grabbed my pencil from the ground, "but for you to be able to resign, you will be required to write your name in Hangul," she pointed out with a self-satisfied smile, feeling very confident that I wouldn't be able to do so.

I widened my eyes at the contract before looking down at Jungwon with wide eyes. Sure I had practiced writing my own name, and I could do it perfectly by now, but now that she stood in front of me not believing I could write my own name, it did feel like I was uncapable of writing it. Jungwon seemed to immediately understand and encouraged me with a small nod with a determined frown on his face.

I quickly scribbled down what I believed my name was spelled like before handing the clipboard back to the intimidating woman in front of me. She smiled confidently before looking down at the paper to check my signature. I could feel my heart beat fast in my chest until her eyes widened at what she saw.

"Very well... you're now a resigned trainee from YG Entertainment. I'll make you aware that an attempt to reuse the name of your debut group under YG, or any choreographies and song provided for your, now cancelled, debut will end in a lawsuit," the woman huffed before turning in her sharp heels and exiting the room, easing the tension immediately

"Who was that?" Jungwon questioned with a frown as the door closed tightly once again.

"My old manager," I sighed and sat back down on the floor again, "they initially made our resigning contracts wrong for when we came here, meaning they still had power over us. So BigHit had tried to get some proper contracts for us. It's that one I just signed."

"She was terrifying," he commented and I nodded at him in agreement, she truly was.

"I know... When I first were placed in the group I used to have nightmares about her," I scrunched up my nose at the memories.

"Wait... did she say something about a cancelled debut?" he frowned at me and I nodded silently, "what was that about?"

"LO were supposed to debut in December," I casually replied with a shrug as I looked over at my paper, still in his possession.

"Why did you then come here?" he questioned me with a frown, cocking his head to the side.

"Have you seen how they manage BlackPink?" I arched a brow at him, "they're more models than artists. They barely even get to have a say in the producing or lyrics of their songs. We didn't want to end up like them, promoted more like models and a mini-album once a year. So... rather come here and gamble it all away in the hopes of being the artist you wish to be," I pointed out to him making him slowly nod, as if he wasn't exactly sure he could understand why we still had decided to come here.

"So... you were actually set to debut?" he questioned and I nodded with a small hum in reply, "that's so cool."

"Technically you're also set to debut right now," I pointed out to him making him nod in realization as he widened his eyes at me.

"But you had marked everything right," he pointed out as we got the attention back on our practice in a matter of seconds.

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