Chapter 18

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Late evenings in the four lowest ranking room were quite fun. Taki usually was sprawled out over Hanbin's bed, which Hanbin usually would complain loudly over, especially when he would be trapped under Taki, but we all just found it entertaining, very much unlike Hanbin. Meanwhile Geonu and I would seem like the sane people in the room, until I would get up and dance with Hanbin or when Geonu would begin singing the milk song from when I shared a room with him and Jungwon, which apparently had continued to haunt him ever since.

"How's it going in DNA?" Geonu questioned as Hanbin sighed under Taki, knowing he had lost in the fight of getting away from under Taki.

"I think it's fine," I spoke up and looked over at Hanbin who nodded in agreement with me, still from beneath a laughing Taki, "I feel quite comfortable with my performance definitely."

"But you see Yeon-ie, you're also the hidden ace of our team," Hanbin pointed out to me, sounding all wise as he told me so, "everyone thinks it's K hyung, but you're actually the ace."

"Ah, no no," I shook my head and waved my hand at him, denying any chance of me being an ace in any form or way, "K is much better than me."

"Ah! But you're so good in the part where you go 'DNA' before the dance break... so good. I get... chills," he pointed out making me let out a small laugh at his face expressions as he explained himself.

"Ah... Korean not so good," I laughed at him, remembering how that had been the first thing he had said to me when I had come to the ground, making both of us laugh out loud, very much to Geonu's confusion, afterall he was the only Korean sharing a room with three foreigners, leading to a lot of confusing moments for him.

A small knock at the door made us all look up as Jungwon stuck his head into the room, before silently just walking in and throwing himself on my bed and wrapped his arms around my waist. The boys all stared in confusion, before small smiles grew on their faces, and Hanbin muttered a small 'Cute' at us, which I simply just ignored.

"What is up with you?" I questioned with a small laugh in my voice as Jungwon had suddenly become so clingy out of nowhere and for no apparent reason.

"We've been practicing too much and I've barely talked with you," he muttered in excuse to me, "just continue what you were doing, I just missed you."

I let out a small laugh at him before I began running my hands through his extremely soft and fluffy hair as I looked back to the boys who just stared at Jungwon in disbelief, but also seeming to know something very well.

"But we're doing fine," I nodded at Geonu to answer his question properly as I just ignored how Jungwon were clinging onto me for dear life, as he nearly laid in my lap.

"Yeah... how about the 'I Need U' team?" Hanbin questioned him in curiosity and I nodded in agreement, curios about about the team as well.

"Ah... we're struggling a lot with expression," Geonu complained loudly to us, "the dance has a lot of... sexual moves, but they must look sorrowful, and that's hard to do."

"Just look sad," Taki commented at him as if it were easy, "take my sorrow."

"Yah! Didn't I work so hard to make you laugh the other day?" I complained to him making him let out a small laugh, giddily grinning at me as Hanbin took his chance to push Taki off and quickly sit up as Taki simply sat beside Hanbin on the bed, "how dare you say that?"

"No... but we have to look like we're longing for someone or something, and look all hopeless," Geonu sighed deeply, taking back the attention he had had right before, "and the only one who is managing to look somewhat like that is Jungwon."

"Why? Are you sad?" I looked down at Jungwon who just shook his head into my side, "you sure?"

"Mhm," he nodded with a small hum. He seemed tired... very tired, but also very clingy at the same time.

"Yeah... well. Our team knows why, but he says it's sorted," Geonu emphasized at Jungwon who let out a small laugh in embarrassment, just digging his face even deeper into my shirt.

"What's that supposed to mean? Have you been sad without me realizing?" I questioned the boy in my lap who stayed silent for a while before replying.

"No," he shook his head at me, "more so confused."

"Ah..." I nodded in realization, before frowning down at him, "you tell me if something's wrong, right?"

"Mhm," he happily nodded showing me a small cute smile, making me quickly poke his dimple, before he turned his head back into my shirt again.

"Good," I nodded before looking over at Taki, who now sat beside Hanbin, instead of laying on top of him, "how's 'Fake Love' going?"

"I can't hear the beats," Taki sighed and I widened my eyes at him in shock.

"You? The little dance monster? You can't hear the beats?" I questioned in disbelief and he nodded with a sad expression on his face.

"But the hyungs are working hard on helping me," he assured with a small happy smile and I nodded, knowing very well he was in good hands.

"As they should," Hanbin nodded in confirmation at them doing the right thing in that situation, "but in our group it's the noona helping."

"Ah, why? Why would you say that," I complained to him making him laugh once more at me, with that bright laugh every and each one of us loved, "I'm only a noona to Niki."

"You actually act quite childish at any point where Niki isn't involved," Hanbin nodded in realization and ended up agreeing with me in a determined nod to me.

"Niki is like a little brother," I nodded in agreement with a small smile, "which I'm not used to, since I've always been the youngest... so maybe I just... feel a sort of... ah what is the word."

"Protectiveness?" Geonu questioned and I nodded and pointed to him, as if to say it was the word I had been looking for.

"Over him," I shrugged casually in reply and as an excuse for my change in behavior about the younger boy.

"But Niki hates being babied," Hanbin laughed at me, as if to remind me of our practices.

"Well... yeah... but you can see it in his face, he secretly loves it when it's me," I pointed out to him with satisfaction.

"I'm pretty sure he nearly had you in a headlock the other day because you tried to pinch his cheeks," Hanbin pointed out to me and my smile faltered at this mention.

"Okay... maybe..." I admitted quietly in embarrassment, "but it was just for fun!" I quickly defended to him, to which he just shook his head.

"Just accept it Jiyeon, Niki hates being babied and you are no exception," Geonu pointed out to me.

"Ah, but why is Heeseung then allowed to baby me?" I questioned loudly in a complain.

"Have you ever complained about it?" he questioned arching a brow at me.

"For your information, I actually have... a lot of times," I replied to him.

"But she's too cute to be taken serious," Hanbin pointed out making me gasp at him.

"I'm not cute!" I defended myself, making most of the boys let out a laugh at me.

"I hate to break it to you. But you're unbelievably cute," Jungwon spoke up making me sigh deeply, knowing I can't discuss this matter with him.

"Of all people. I had expected you to be on my side," I squinted my eyes down at him, as he just shrugged.

"Nah... not today," he scrunched up his nose, "can't lie."

"I feel so betrayed right now," I shook my head in disappointment, just making the boys all laugh once more.

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