Chapter 22

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As there were four days until the end of the test the top three boys had gotten their day off. The rest of us had gathered in their room as they had gotten dressed up in their normal clothes. To be honest I had forgotten how their style looked, and it fit them so well now that I saw them in their usual clothes. It just was... So much them.

"Ah... I miss the outside," I complained to myself as the boys looked so nice in their normal clothes, and I grabbed a pillow from one of the beds to hug, as I slumped down on the same bed I had taken the pillow from, "I miss being able to wear my sweaters without thinking of them getting sweaty."

"You know what? We'll take a day off too today, then," Sunoo decided loudly to everyone, "you go and get your sweater, girl!"

"Uhm... we have rehearsals," Jay spoke up making all of the boys let out a laugh at Sunoo who immediately sheepishly grinned to himself as he realized that none of the boys in his unit was in the top three, meaning that his whole unit were here for today.

As the boys got ready to leave by going down to the egg I trailed after them as they stood by the egg just to say goodbye. It seemed like they hadn't realized that was my intention though.

"Jiyeon... are you gonna follow us all the way?" Heeseung turned to me with a small laugh as he had realized I was following them, and I simply shook my head.

"I just wanted a goodbye, but you kept ignoring me," I defended making him let out a laugh before they all gave me a hug before going into the egg that immediately began turning. I sighed before walking down to the practice room and began practicing with Jake as I had promised him.

I had promised Jake to work on the dance with him whenever the free day was given to the top three boys. I taught him the dance and went over the details with him as I would spot him do the dance over and over again. We had no idea where K was or what he was doing. But once it came time for lunch we both went up and made lunch together and actually ended up having loads of fun with it.

We would laugh our asses off as we would cook our lunch and it's not like it would stop once we actually sat down to eat. The whole time we would be speaking in English to one another as it fell more natural to both of us to switch into English, it was his first language and it was my second, so it made sense for us to do it.

After lunch we went straight back to the practice room and continued practicing together. At one point we must've been quite scary to listen to as we were bickering in English, most likely about something stupid, since Niki quickly had exited the dance studio at one point where he had opened the door, starred at us for a good second before just silently and slowly closing the door once again to disappear.

We had both laughed at that and had practiced until dinner once again. By then Jake had improved greatly and looked amazing when he did the dance, especially that one chest move in the chorus looked amazing. After dinner most of the boys had just gone around and practiced a bit before eventually going to bed. However I stayed up and practiced a bit more down in the practice room with Jake, until he had went to bed, leaving me by myself to practice.  I had either actually practiced the performance or just danced whatever I wanted and felt like. It was late evenings like this I realized how much I missed dancing my more "graceful" styles, I really missed turning and leaping like there was no tomorrow.

I had ended the whole evening with some late night studying out in the kitchen with my Korean study books in front of me, at some point I recall eventually falling asleep by the kitchen table with my head on my books and a bag of snacks beside my head.

See, that one small detail is quite funny, because I remember falling asleep whilst studying, but I don't remember how I got in my bed, or leaving my books out in the kitchen. Which was the scenario the morning after, much to my confusion. 

When I had come back after getting my books from the kitchen I had returned to Sunoo yelling at me that we had gotten presents and thrown a bag at my face. It had been quite funny at the time, but once I had opened the bag I had found a nice soft and warm sweater in it, made of the softest yarn you'll ever find. I had immediately pulled it on, it had a nice oversized fit on me, before following the two boys to another room where we all quickly realized it was the top three boys who had gotten the presents for us when they had been out yesterday.

The boys all rushed into the top three room and woke the three boys immediately as I just came running behind them with an excited smile on my face, to see the chaos in front of me. In a small happy leap I jumped onto the nearest bed where Jungwon was laying making him let out a tired laugh as he reached out and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Now... I know you hold the answer to my question. Care to explain how I came from the kitchen table to my bed last night?" I questioned him as he pushed himself up to sit, meanwhile all the boys were chatting with one another about their gifts. When I had fallen asleep all the boys had been asleep except the top three boys who weren't back by then, so surely he must know something.

"Sunghoon lifted you," he replied rubbing his eyes to get the last amount of sleep out of them as he stretched out both his arms.

"Ah! You look cute when you're tired!" I cooed at him and he just nodded silently agreeing with me, "did you three really get us all presents?"

"Mhm," he hummed at me as he nodded making his hair bounce back and forth, "I picked that," he pointed to my sweater, looking quite proud of himself.

"Thank you. I love it," I grinned at him making him nod once again.

"I know," he assured in a tired mutter, making me let out a small laugh at his state.

Soon we all got together and talked about what the boys had done on their day off. It all sounded so fun, and there was such a fun video of Sunghoon doing some VR, but it was quickly forgotten once we were shown a video of him ice skating. He truly looked enchanting when he slid over the ice like that. So graceful.

"Wah, you're so good!" I cooed at the video making Sunghoon let out a light laugh as everyone began praising him in agreement, "it's like you're better at skating than at walking," I commented, recalling how he had just one day in particular where he had tripped over literally anything and everything.

"It's nothing," he shook his head at me in denial.

"No really... you're amazing," I said in awe as I watched the video once more. A small huff from beside me indicated that someone beside me wasn't that happy with my awe over Sunghoon's skating, "what? Are you jealous?" I questioned and looked over at Jungwon, who just shook his head at me with a stubborn expression, "are you jealous because I praised Sunghoon on his skating?"

"He definitely are," Sunoo squealed out in happiness, "I ship it!"

"I'm not jealous," Jungwon shook his head once again, not really convincing anybody in the room.

"He's right. He wanted to date someone," I pointed out making Jungwon's ears turn a bright red, "so he can't be jealous over me praising Sunghoon."

"How did you get to that point?" Hanbin questioned me in confusion, "you're literally the only girl he has been around for two months."

"Logics?" I shrugged before looking back at the video, "but Sunghoon-ie is seriously good. Such grace, it's unbelievable," I muttered as I watched the video once again.

"Yah! Stop it! He can't take praise!" Jay exclaimed and I looked up at Sunghoon who sat all shy and covered his ears with his hands.

"Why?" I questioned as I passed the phone on so it could return to Heeseung, "but he's so good."

"So... what we've learned from you three being gone is... There's a dog out there called Doobu, you named a stubborn dog Jay, Sunghoon is a great skater, Jungwon is jealous over Jiyeon complimenting Sunghoon and Sunghoon gets shy by praise," K listed for everyone as everyone just nodded in agreement, finding it all very entertaining.

"I'm not jealous!" Jungwon exclaimed loudly with a small laugh making the boys just look skeptically at him.

"Yeah... come back with that one in a week lover boy," Sunoo sassed at him making the other boys let out a small laugh at the comment.

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