Chapter 5

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Tomorrow was the first stage which meant that we had all sat out in the common room once again after dinner until most had decided they should go to bed since the performance was tomorrow and everyone wanted to be on top of their game to perform their very best. In my room the boys were both walking around either doing their skincare or brushing their teeth whilst I sat and studied hangul in my bed. They weren't as strict about waiting outside anymore, it was only whilst I got changed by now.

"Nice specs," Geonu commented and I smiled up at him knowing very well that it was the exact same as he was wearing at the moment, the only difference was that mine was stronger than his. 

"Oh wow, you too!" I exclaimed at him making Jungwon let out a heavy sigh at us.

"How many evenings are you gonna continue to do this?" he questioned us almost in despair, sounding very exhausted at our small joke.

"This will probably be the last," I assured him and he arched a brow at me in confusion, "I'm serious. I promise you, that when I get sent to the Ground I will not be coming over here to tell Geonu he has nice specs."

"You won't get sent to the Ground," Geonu shook his head at me in denial, as he walked back to his bed and took off his headband, "Rain hyung said you were the most stable and disciplined here."

"But I'm also the only girl," I pointed out to him making his face falter as he plopped down on his bed, "and we all know that gives me as big of a disadvantage as Rain's compliments gave me an advantage.

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that," he realized with a small frown growing on his face, before looking up at me with a small smile, "but we'll make sure you stay. Right Jungwon?"

"Right hyung," Jungwon nodded with determination in his face as he agreed with Geonu. I smiled warmly at the two, the three of us had really gotten close, and I really appreciated them so much.

"Can I just say one thing, in case I get sent to the Ground?" I asked them and they both hesitantly nodded, not really wanting to think about me getting sent to the Ground, "thank you so much for being my biggest support here. I feel the most comfortable around you two here. I'll miss you two so much if we don't debut together, even if I'm just going to the Ground."

"Stop it before I cry," Geonu warned making me let out a small laugh at him as he fanned his eyes. It hadn't even been that emotional.

"No but seriously, I mean it," I insisted making him nod, "but next time, do help me a bit more with my hangul," he let out a small laugh at my remark before nodding in agreement.

"Noted," he assured me making me laugh as well before smiling warmly at him and looking over at Jungwon who stood with a small frown on his face.

"I don't want Jiyeon leaving," Jungwon spoke up, he had sat down on his bed and looked all hopeless, "who will then take her bed?"

"The person who'll stay here for the next test and get replaced after that," I assured him with a small smile, "I might be sent to the Ground after this test, but if I do. I'm gonna come back again for the next."

"But I don't want you to leave at all," he shook his head before looking over at me, looking all sad.

"You know... you two have gotten quite close," Geonu agreed with a nod and I happily nodded, "no seriously, I don't think anyone else here is that close with one another."

"Wonie and I just have this special connection," I pointed out winking at Jungwon who smiled softly at me, still seeming slightly sad.

"If I didn't know better I would say that Jungwon were in love, but fair enough," Geonu nodded before holding his hands up in defense, earning a small glare from Jungwon as I let out a small laugh.

"Nah... we're just good friends," I waved it off and Jungwon nodded in agreement.

"And in that moment Choi Jiyeon just friend zoned Yang Jungwon pretty badly," Geonu narrated for us making both of us breaking into smiles at the older boy's antics.

"What?" I let out a laugh at him in confusion as to what he meant.

"You just friend zoned him pretty hard there," Geonu pointed out to me as he pushed up his specs.

"How can I friend zone him if there aas nothing to begin with?" I questioned him as he just shook his head at me, looking all hopeless in his expression.

"I say it's just a question of time before you two begin dating in secret," Geonu pointed out to us, making me let out a small laugh at him once more, "just promise me to tell me when you do... I deserve to know. I do feel like I've raised you two by now."

"It's been a week!" Jungwon exclaimed at him with a bright laughter.

"And what a week," Geonu retorted with a shake of his head, "do you know how exhausted I am? I've been third wheeling the whole week!"

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