Chapter 8

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We all anxiously stood around the television in the Ground as we watched the I-landers perform on screen. They were really good so a doubt slowly spread of whether we even would get the chance to perform, but then the message appeared on screen. The message that determined our futures going forward in the show.

"I-landers will be eliminated. Grounders go to the stage."

We all happily grinned at each other before walking outside and over to the big cube where the stage was. We immediately got into position as we stepped on stage and were told to standby immediately.

As the music began we all immediately began performing, doing our absolute best. Everyone were determined to get their spot in I-land, the ones that had been there before seemed even more determined than before, which I hoped was evident and would ensure me a spot in I-land after this. I really wanted to go back, I really really wanted to continue this competition safely in I-land.

I confidently and easily did my lift before continuing with the performance and once it ended I felt sure that I could do no more than what I already had done. It was just for me to wait by now. We didn't know how many would go on to I-land, it could just be two people for all we know, and if it only was two, had we done enough?

We all went back to the Ground and silently waited before the door opened and the eliminated I-landers entered the Ground. Both Dahee and Hyejin were part of those eliminated, so I quickly got up and hugged them tightly as if to assure them it was fine afterall and that they could do no more about it. Behind them a quite disappointed Sunoo stood looking down at the ground and I immediately reached out and pulled him in for a hug as well.

"You all did so well, okay?" I assured him and he silently nodded as I rubbed his back in an assuring manner.

"Grounders. The new I-landers will now be announced."

I smiled warmly at them before joining the other Grounders to hear who of us were good enough to go to I-land. Everyone wanted to go, but only five spots were shown on screen, so only five Grounders would be moving up to I-land.

One by one we were all slowly revealed as our pictures appeared on screen. So far Jay, Jake, Kyungmin and Youngbin had all been revealed to continue on in the competition.

"Choi Jiyeon."

My name was the last one to appear but I still smiled slightly at the screen. I grabbed my bag with the other boys who had been moved up to I-land as well before quickly hugging the girls and Sunoo, assuring them everything will be fine before I stepped outside and we walked to I-land, most of us for the second time. It felt... weird to be going back. It was almost as if I didn't deserve it.

But when we all stood in the egg happily smiling, I felt that I actually belonged here. So once we could see the group of boys standing together and holding around one another as they excitedly searched our group for who they hoped would return.

Everyone were immediately greeted back warmly, and before I knew it I had practically been lifted down the stairs by both Geonu and Jungwon as they happily jumped around with me in their arms. Making me let out a laugh at their excitement.

"Is my bed ready for me?" I questioned them and they both eagerly nodded, before Geonu left us to say hello to Kyungmin and Jungwon immediately dragged me upstairs to the room I still was going to share with him and Geonu, not even giving me a chance to greet the other boys.

However, Jungwon seemed a bit down about the whole thing making me frown at him as I placed my bag on my bed. I looked at him sternly as if I was able to see what it was that was bothering him.

"What's up with you? Why are you so... meh?" I questioned him carefully, watching him closely.

"I was originally eliminated, not Taki. K hyung used an exemption card on me," he sadly revealed as he plopped down on his bed, slouching his shoulders as he looked down.

"Aigoo," I cooed at him as I rushed over and hugged him tightly rubbing my hand up and down his arm as I sat down beside him, still hugging him, "do you know why K would use the exemption card on you?" I questioned him and he shook his head, he almost looked hopeless in this state, it was quite painful to watch him like that, "because he can see how extremely talented you are, and how you're filled to the brim with great potential."

"You really think so?" he questioned and I pulled away and stared at him, as if I had to know exactly how to word my next sentence so he would properly understand it.

"I know so," I corrected him, simply assuring him that he truly was extremely talented and deserved to be where he was, with no doubt to it.

"Then why would they vote me out?" he questioned me with a small frown on his face, his head still hanging a bit down, but having lifted just a bit more.

"I don't know how many votes you got. But the ones voting you out are probably the ones that feel threatened by you in some way. It's those people you should shove to the side and focus on the ones who support you all the way, that can see how great you are, both talent wise but also human wise," I reminded him as he slowly nodded a small smile appearing on his face, "You're too good to get eliminated just like that."

"I'm happy you are back Ji," he smiled softly at me and I nodded as I rubbed his back.

"Me too," I assured him with a smile, "and if you don't mind. I don't intend on going again."

"That would be preferred."

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