Chapter 33

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We had stepped foot in our new dorm just mere moments ago, and the boys were already rushing around and taking it all in. I carefully followed after each of them, before a staff member told us that we would be able to see the first episode of I-land tonight, which we all had agreed to and sat down together around the television as it turned on. As it played we all recalled what we remember from that filming.

I watched as the girls and I were shown on screen, holding each other's hands tightly as we were walking through the forest, and how Yuri had caught me from slipping, and just had held an arm out to protect me at all times, which had made all the boys coo at the sight. It then proceeded to when we stood in front of the boys for the first time, where it actually showed Sunoo's reaction.

"Ah, she's cute, the small one," the Sunoo on screen commented.

"You think I'm cute?" I turned my head to Sunoo, who just shook his head and waved his hand in denial.

"I never said that, they've edited that," Sunoo refused.

"But you did say that though," Jake pointed out, as Sunoo continued to shake his head at it.

The episode continued as the girls and I sat down by the boys, where Jungwon and I was seated beside each other, making us share a glance, before it showed Jay leaning over to Sunghoon on screen.

"I bet you my debut spot, that they'll date by the end of the show," Jay commented on the screen, making everyone laugh, as the screen then showed Jungwon and I sittingg beside each other, in the same colored clothes, but talking to each our own person, from our own unit.

We watched as the entry tests began playing and laughed at each other's reactions to the performances. It was apparently especially me that had been ratted out in that episode. As Jay and Sunghoon had gone up to the entry test the editors had edited me in saying, and I quote: "how cool isn't it to be a figure skater? He's probably amazing." just to follow it up with the following quote after their performance: "yep, as I said... he was amazing."

"Awe... I'm amazing?" Sunghoon cooed at me.

"Have I ever told you anything else?" I questioned him as Jungwon's entry test began playing.

At one point where he had begun singing the clip had showed me sitting and staring with my mouth agape, which just made the boys laugh even more at me. Overall we all really enjoyed watching the episode, and just agreed to all wash up and get ready for bed after the staff had left.

"Who washes up first?" we all stood in a circle in the living room.

"If we try and think logically here, okay?" Jay questioned and we all nodded in agreement, "it would make sense to have the fastest first and then go down the line like that."

"Who is the fastest then?" Heeseung questioned and we all just shrugged.

"But at the same time, we should also keep in mind, what is smartest for each person," Jay pointed out, "so I say... if Jiyeon wants to get a bath tonight, she should go take it first, as it would take the longest for her hair to dry."

"You have heard of a blow dryer, right?" Sunoo questioned Jay.

"The heat can damage hair, and from what I've seen of Jiyeon's hair, it's ridiculously healthy," Jay pointed out, making me flick my hair with a small laugh, "so my guess is that she doesn't use a blow dryer."

"That's actually... creepy," I pointed out to Jay.

"Am I right?" he questioned in disbelief and I nodded.

"Do you want to shower then?" Sunghoon questioned.

"If I may," I nodded at the boys who all just let me go to shower.

I happily went to my bag and got my pajamas, before walking out to the bathroom, waving at a camera in the corner of the hallway before going into the bathroom and locking the door. I quickly got out of my I-land clothes before getting into the shower and washing up. My hair had gotten really long during my time at I-land, it had grown quite a lot it seemed.

I was always quite fast at showering, what you don't learn from having a brother, or living at a school where a whole hallway share a bathroom together. The moment I stepped out of the shower I let out a small shriek, as I felt myself slipping, and hitting my head on my way down.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Heeseung's voice exclaimed from the other side of the door.

"I just slipped," I yelled back as I sat up on the floor, "I'm fine!"

"You slipped!" he shrieked, even louder than I had, "let me in."

"Are you insane? I'm naked!" I screeched back at him as I stood up and saw a red spot on the white towel in my hand, "oh no... oh no," I muttered walking over to the mirror and quickly wiping away the fog that covered it. Luckily it was just my nose bleeding, and not my head, "oh thank god."

"Are you okay? Are you awake?" Heeseung continued on the other side.

"I'm fine!" I yelled back and quickly grabbed some tissue and dried off underneath my nose before rolling two balls and pushing them up into my nose.

I quickly got changed to my pajamas and threw my towel in the laundry basket and pulled out the two tissue balls before grabbing a plain tissue and unlocking the door, where Heeseung immediately met me with a frantic look.

"What happened to you?" he quickly questioned and grabbed my shoulders as if to examine me.

"It's just a nosebleed," I assured him as Jungwon came skipping down the hallway to go take a shower as well, "watch out, it's slippery," I warned him as he stepped foot in the bathroom.

"What happened to you?" he questioned as he turned to look at me with a frown.

"I slipped, be careful," I replied to him and he nodded before stepping into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Do you think it's broken?" Heeseung questioned touching my nose.

"No... I'm fine," I assured him as I pulled his hand away from my face, "it doesn't hurt that much.

"Jiyeon..." he sternly said.

"I'm fine," I repeated to him, "it's just a nosebleed."

"But you're so small, you an easily have too much blood loss," he gushed at me, making me let out a small laugh.

"I have had a nosebleed before, don't worry about it. It'll be over soon," I assured as I patted his shoulder and walked past him and down to the kitchen to get a new tissue.

I ended up going to bed quite early compared to the other boys, as I wanted to cook breakfast for them tomorrow morning.

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