Chapter 7

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Next test was revealed to be the teamwork test, to BTS 'Fire'. I had immediately been chosen for part three when the lift had been shown. As I was the smallest in the Ground it was immediately chosen that I would be the one getting lifted. The decision had been made as if it were obvious that it had to be me.

I had persistently insisted that we should rehearse the stunts tricks, whatever you want to call them, but it seemed that the boys all had been hesitant about it. No matter how much I had tried to reason with it, as I had a certification in teaching gymnastics it would be a good idea to do it, and I would gladly provide my help. I was literally educated in making sure people didn't get injured when they had to do a trick or stunt. I took a 30 hour course in this, I'm pretty sure I would be able to lead them through something as simple as this, as I were educated in being able to help people do their flips.

But that decision, to not rehearse the tricks, surely also ended up in us getting scolded pretty badly by Rain, before he had set us to do the tricks. Starting with the lift. I easily stepped one foot up on Jimin's leg as he knelt down. Stepping up I neatly did the lift and Rain seemed to be pretty satisfied with how it looked. However he wasn't satisfied with our pyramid nor Jay's fall, and it was pretty clear.

"I have a question," he spoke up and everyone looked over to him in anticipation of what he had to say, "have Jiyeon tried to get you to do the tricks?"


"Why have you not done it then? She is a former competing gymnast and ballet dancer, right?" Rain looked to me and I nodded as to confirm it was true, "you saw how quickly she perfected that lift? The other stunts could be just as good if you had trained it. Jiyeon surely must know how to make it perfect."

We were then set to do the other stunt which Jay was very hesitant about but eventually did. I reminded him to tense up his arms when he fell, so that he wouldn't be ripping his shoulders out of place when he would get caught and thrown back. He did it two times before Rain accepted it and told us to just continue practicing the stunts.

After Rain had left we continued to practice even harder and apply his corrections. Overall the whole week in the Ground actually were quite uneventful, seeing as we would meet in at 6 in the morning and just practice all the way up to 11 pm before we would be driven back to Seoul to the boys' dorms, where I would walk two blocks from to get to the dorm I shared with the girls. Where Yuri and Minji still lived and were every evening to make sure I got to bed and got up in the morning. Most mornings they would make breakfast for me as well. It was actually quite nice to still see them, despite knowing we would never debut together as we always had hoped. But that was alright, because Minji had found her way towards the medical studies and Yuri were starting high school once again and developing her passion for Jura. It seemed that the two of them suddenly had changed drastically after quitting the show and resigning from YG.

Dahee, Hyejin and I also all had things to go back to. Hyejin had been accepted into the best high school in Seoul, and had that to go back to, where she could study literally whatever she wanted to. Hyejin had always been the brain of us. Dahee would be going back home to her parents in England where she would return to working in their family restaurant and probably continue it down the generations. I still had my place on the Korean Olympics team. I had trained during my trainee days, and once it was announced that the Olympics would be moved from this year to next year I had decided it would be alright for me to participate in this show. I would be taking a chance on both my dreams, either I was going to give up my debut dreams or my Olympics dreams. The one that came later than sooner would be the one I gave up, and as it is right now it might end up being the Olympics I have to give up on. 

I didn't care which dream it was that I had to give up on, but at the moment I would rather give up on the Olympics than debuting. Maybe it was because I liked being here, I didn't know. I really liked the boys on the show, and I wouldn't mind debuting with any of them by now.

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