Chapter 3

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After dinner everyone had sat down in the common room, to get to know each other, before we all had gone to our rooms to get a good night's sleep before tomorrow when we would be given the first test and the survival show would officially begin for good.

I had been the first in our room to get done for bed, mainly because both Geonu and Jungwon insisted on waiting outside the room before I even was in my bed, making me have to yell out to them before they entered the room. I'm not even kidding, even though I had gotten changed into my pajamas they had refused to go in, before I even had brushed my teeth and gotten completely ready for bed and actually sat in it. Which meant I could just sit in my bed and watch as they got ready to go to bed themselves. I had gotten out my Korean studies to do a bit before bed.

"Are you both older than me?" I carefully spoke up as Geonu was looking for something in his bag and Jungwon was pacing around brushing his teeth.

"You're born in 2004, right?" Geonu questioned and I nodded silently, "well... I definitely am. I'm an 01'... but Jungwon is from 2004 as well, right?" 

"Mhm," Jungwon nodded as he spit out in the sink and washed his toothbrush before replying, "February 9th."

"Ah..." I complained to myself before dragging my hands over my face, "why must I always be the young one?"

"You don't like being the youngest?" Geonu questioned with amusement in his voice, as he looked over at me, placing his glasses on his nose first, "don't you get to have all the fun."

"Well... yeah... but it's just... I am foreign," I pointed out to him and he nodded, "and I'm trying to learn all the things with formality, but the whole thing with calling older boys 'oppa' just is not... something... what's the word... Ah!" I complained before laying my head in my hands, "what is the word for it?" I questioned myself loudly as I went through my internal dictionary, but nothing popped up in mind, so I decided to try and explain my way from it, "I don't like calling older boys 'oppa' because it... I feel... odd? When doing it."

"Ah... it makes you uncomfortable?" he questioned and I nodded pointing to him, to assure him it was that word I was looking for. This made him let out a small laugh at me.

"But... I will pull myself together and I'll see this as my chance to get more... okay with it," I sighed as I opened my notebook in my lap and got out my pencil to begin taking notes from my Korean book that laid beside me.

"You don't have to call us oppa if you feel uncomfortable doing it," Jungwon assured me, as he walked over to his bed and got down to sit under his covers as well, "at least don't call me it. We're close enough in age for me to say it's fine. I think some of the older boys will mind you not doing it, but I don't have anything against it."

"No, no," I quickly waved my hand at him in refusal, "I have to train it anyways. It's just one of those things I've had a really hard time adjusting to. I'm not used to all these formalities," I assured them, "it's just a big cultural difference."

"Where are you from anyways?" Geonu questioned me in confusion with a frown, sitting down on the edge of his bed, "you never told."

"I'm from Denmark," I replied and he slowly nodded, seeming as if he wasn't quite sure what it was. It didn't surprise me, it was a very little amount of people that actually were aware of it not being a city in Sweden or a state in Germany, "you know... Lego?"

"Ah!" he grinned widely and nodded this time, clapping his hands one time.

"And you trained for a year?" Jungwon questioned and I shook my head.

"It's only the collected time I've spent in Korea," I shook my head at him, "I lived here for three months back in 2014... in Ansan. Then we moved back again. So I've only been training for nine months."

"Nine months?" he questioned widening his eyes at me as I nodded before looking down at my book again, trying to understand what it was telling me.

I desperately tried to get better at my hangul as it was my biggest trouble for me. The boys were chatting with one another as I sat and tried to learn the hangul alphabet even more. I wrote down my name in hangul, and was sure I had done it right, but I just had to check. I took one deep breath, embracing myself for what I was about to do. Silently cursing out any atom in my body.

"Oppa?" I carefully questioned and both the boys went silent, "is this spelled correctly?" I questioned pointing to my name I had written down on the paper and Geonu carefully moved over and looked at it.

"You've written your name, right?" he questioned and I hummed in reply, before he looked down at it once more, "Yeah... that says Choi Jiyeon. It's right."

"Really?" I grinned widely and he nodded making me happily jump in my place before I turned back to my book and continued to copy down the different letters and how to pronounce it. I would silently sit and mutter the pronunciation as I would write down each letter and try to write words I was sure consisted of those letters. I actually felt quite confident in what I was writing was right.

"Ah! So then... uyu... must be written like this?" I questioned and Geonu walked back over and looked down before humming and nodding, "are you serious?"

"Jiyeon... I was born and raised in Korea..." he carefully reminded me, "I'm pretty sure I read that right."

"Oh yeah," I sheepishly grinned before looking down at my notebook again and twirled my pencil between my fingers as I looked over the words I had written, "uyu joha uyu joha uyu juseyo
Uyu joha uyu ga jeoho sesangeseo jeil joha," I silently sang to myself remembering how Dahee and I had been taught that song as one of the first ones to help with our Korean.

"So it was you that sat and sang that by the entry test!" Jungwon exclaimed loudly and I glanced up at him. He were happily grinned at me in surprise.

"You heard?" I questioned and he happily nodded, showing a small dimple in his left cheek, "ah... that's so embarrassing," I complained and hid my face behind my notebook, regretting every decision I've ever made in my life.

"Ah no! It was so cute!" he happily exclaimed and I peeked over my notebook. He was really grinning widely at me with excitement.

"Yah!" I yelled out before quickly covering my mouth in shock and realization, "I'm so sorry. I forgot that was informal."

"No, no. It's fine. We're close enough in age, remember?" he questioned me and I hesitantly nodded as he just smiled widely at me. His whole smile seemed so genuine and happy that it actually made me feel quite secure and comfortable around him.

"I'm just scared that you'll feel offended," I excused quietly to him with a small bow of the head.

"If I would feel offended, I wouldn't have told you it was alright to speak informally to me," he pointed out to me with a smile, making me let out a small smile as well.

"Woah, woah... I'm not doing any third wheeling in this room. You hear me?" Geonu spoke up, making both of us immediately let out a laugh at him, but Geonu just looked at us with all seriousness in his face, making us just laugh even more at him.

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