Chapter 27

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To decide the teams for the next test we had had a small mission to perform two different Seventeen songs, where Sunoo had been chosen as the absolute winner, because he had been the best at doing their song 'Pretty U', but to be honest, that song was literally made for Sunoo. Oh yeah... and that had shortly been the end of the sane Sunghoon, since he was in the 'Pretty U' team as well, until now where he hoped to be done with any cute and refreshing dances. 

Since Sunoo won the mission he would get to choose which song he wanted as well as members. He had gone off himself to chose the song of his choice and would then choose his members once he was there. One by one names were called out to go to the 'Chamber 5' practice room, the cutesy concept. But it didn't come as a surprise to anyone that Sunoo had chosen 'Chamber 5', he surely was cut out for such a refreshing song.

Meanwhile Sunghoon seemed to basically be sitting and begging to the heavens he wouldn't get chosen as the last one to join 'Chamber 5'. Meanwhile Taki, Jake, Heeseung and Jungwon had already gone to the practice room after having been chosen by Sunoo, meaning that now there were only one more spot left.

"The last member to 'Chamber 5', Choi Jiyeon."

"You were lucky this time Elsa~" I cooed out as I got up and rushed upstairs to go to the practice room where the 'Chamber 5' unit was going to be practicing in.

As I opened the door I was shocked to see it empty, and looked around in confusion as to why it was so empty. Hadn't at least 5 boys gone up here in the past 15 minutes?

"Oh?" I questioned in confusion before being yelled straight in the face making me scream as I tightly closed my eyes and hit out my fist in defense, feeling myself hit something and it immediately went silent in the room.

"I didn't know noona could hit," Taki commented as I carefully opened my eyes to see Heeseung holding his shoulder in shock as he just stared at me.

"Are you alright?" I quickly questioned as he just laughed it off and nodded at me, whilst I reached out towards his shoulder, "are you sure?"

"Yeah... it wasn't that hard," he assured me making me let out a deep breath in relief as I just nodded.

"Why did you all have to scare me so much?!" I complained at all of them as they just laughed, immediately bringing sound to the room.

"You were so cute! You were like this!" Sunoo cooed as he pulled his arms into his sides and clutched his fists tightly, shutting his eyes tightly as well, as well as scrunching up his nose.

"I did not!" I defended loudly to the boys.

"You did!" Jake exclaimed at me as I stubbornly shook my head in reply, refusing it by any chance I would get.

"They're right Ji... you really did," Jungwon nodded at me and I sighed in disbelief, knowing he was speaking the truth.

"WHY?" I complained loudly making the boys all laugh before we all agreed we probably should begin to give out parts in the unit.

We all quickly sat down on the floor in a circle and easily got all the parts sorted out before everyone agreed that we should all make Sunoo watch our facials expressions to the song before beginning to learn the dance, since he was the facial expression master. So first Sunoo went, to set an example for us, then Heeseung and then we just went down the line, hyping each other on whenever someone acted especially cute.

"Last contestant! Choi Jiyeon! Lets go!" Sunoo exclaimed at me and I happily walked out to the middle of the floor in front of the mirrors, a bit nervous to actually try in front of all the boys.

"Hit it!" I exclaimed pointing to Sunoo who immediately played the song. As soon as the song began playing I felt myself immediately forget about the boys watching and just enjoy myself.

I happily acted along to the song, suddenly happy at how the girls and I was planned to debut with a refreshing concept, when we were under YG, making me easily and shamelessly do the expressions, now that the music actually was playing. Sunoo cooed out in excitement until I finished and happily turned around to the boys.

"Teach us!" Jake complained loudly before falling to his knees and grabbing onto Sunoo's leg, "I beg you two! Please! Show me the power of the cuteness!"

"It's easy," I assured him with a laugh as I ran over and crouched down beside him and pushed the corners of his lips up with two fingers, so that he were smiling, "just keep that on."

We all slowly began learning the choreography along with the positions, until the first discussion came up about how a move was donce. We all watched Sunoo and Heeseung carefully go over how the step was, until I felt someone grab my hand and place their head on my shoulder. I chuckled slightly at the sight of Jungwon just leaning against me, in the mirror.

"You're so clingy," I muttered to him and he just nodded at me in agreement as he let out a small huff.

We silently all watched Sunoo and Heeseung go over everything together before turning to the video to confirm whatever it was that was causing the problem, in all honesty I didn't really listen to what it was all about or what move it was that was a problem, I just enjoyed seeing them bicker back and forth. It was quite entertaining to watch how different their expressions were when bickering, Heeseung would have widened his eyes and raised both his eyebrows as Sunoo just said everything with a pout, it really represented their personalities perfectly. It had probably taken them an hour by now and I carefully let out a yawn making Jungwon let out a small laugh at me.

"Cute," he commented at me, not moving his head from my shoulder as he looked at me through the mirror.

"Ah, I'm tired," I excused with a wave of my hand making him let out a small giggle at me.

"Yo, what's happening there?" Jake spoke up and we all looked over to him as he just looked at Jungwon and I with a shocked expression.

"Huh?" I questioned in confusion at his sudden outburst.

"Why are you acting all couple like?" he questioned in confusion as he pointed to us.

"I'm tired," I replied casually to him, "and Wonie is clingy."

"I see that," Jake commented at us with wide eyes.

"If Jungwon could smile like that when on stage, then it would be perfect," Sunoo commented at the smile on Jungwon's face.

"Like what?" Taki questioned in confusion as he turned around to look at us.

"Like he smiles whenever he looks at Jiyeon," Sunoo pointed out making Taki giggle as well at the sight.

"We should focus on this," Heeseung reminded Sunoo who turned back to him and nodded as they both looked back at the tablet as they continued to discuss the move.

All tired I sat down on the floor, with Jungwon still refusing to let go of my hand, so now my arm just hung in the air as he still held onto it.

"Aish... now I just look like a small lost child."

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