Chapter 6

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We all returned to I-land after having performed and sat in the lobby seats, patiently waiting to see our results. If our average score was below 70, seven people would be eliminated from I-land, and something in my gut was telling me that we would end up having to vote out seven I-landers. I just had this sickly feeling about it.

My gut feeling seemed to be confirmed as the individual scores began showing on screen, spoiler; they weren't that good to be honest. The scores went as following; 47,70, 40, 66, 61, 58, 46, 75, 75, 59, 67, 57, 65. This meant seven people would get eliminated. I'm sure I would be part of those seven, I just knew it somewhere.

We all sat in silence as everyone took turns to go in and vote out the seven people they thought should leave. I really had a hard time doing it, in my mind none of the boys deserved to get voted out. As I stood in front of the screen my picture showed up on screen, before a score was put right under my picture. 75. I was one of the two that had gotten the highest score, there had been two whom had scored a 75, and I was one, then who was the other. However I was not shown the scores of everyone else, so my votes could only go based on what I had witnessed in the past week. Who had practiced hard? Who still lacked skills?

In the end I somehow managed to actually cast my vote to seven individual boys before I walked out and returned to the lobby and sat down in the seat, where my packed bag stood beside. We had all packed our bags before going out on stage and placed them by our seats, just in case we would end up being the one getting eliminated. No one really wanted to be the one that got eliminated, but there was gonna be someone nonetheless and it wasn't up to us to decide how many it would end up being, it was all based on how good we all were.

I honestly didn't know where I laid in all this, it could go two ways. Either the boys had warmed up to me and actually didn't care about me being a girl anymore, or they could still not like the fact that a girl was just as good as them and try and vote me out. I really didn't know how to feel about all this. It really seemed it could go two ways.

As the last boy returned the narrator voice announced that the seven eliminated I-landers would be shown on screen along with their score from the test... so if I were to pop up there... they would know I got a 75. Then what would the reaction of the boys be?

One by one the six first eliminated were shown along with their scores. It was quickly revealed that the eliminated were; Niki, Daniel, Jay, Nicholas, Jake and Youngbin. I sat silently looking up at the screen as everyone sat in anticipation waiting for the last eliminated to show on screen.

"With 8 votes. Choi Jiyeon. 75."

I silently nodded from my seat as my picture and score appeared on screen. I continued to have a small smile on my face as I removed my nametag from the back of my chair and returned it to the stand with the six other boys before I went to grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder. The other boys seemed sad, but I kept on a smile on my face, seeing my score I seemed quite confident that I would be returning back here once again.

Here and there the boys slowly got up from their seats as well to hug everyone goodbye, where I was immediately attacked by Geonu and Jungwon from each side as they hugged me tightly. They both seemed to not really want to let go, but I had to go.

"Promise me to save my bed for me, yeah?" I let out a small laugh and they both eagerly nodded before slowly releasing me.

"I'm so happy you were the other one with 75," Jungwon whispered and I widened my eyes at him as he silently nodded. He had been the other with 75.

"Promise me you'll get back," Geonu warned me and I nodded with a genuine smile.

"Did you see the score the producers gave me?" I questioned him as I gestured to the big screen with the pictures and scores of the eliminated, "something has to go terribly wrong for me, in the next test, if they don't send me back here."

I grinned widely at the two boys before stepping into the egg with the other boys as it slowly turned and we walked our way to the Ground, it was dark outside as we walked along the gravel path, but it wasn't cold yet. I was the last one to step into the Ground, after the boys, and were immediately attacked by Hyejin and Dahee, before I were greeted by Sunoo as well.

"Wait..." I trailed off as I looked at the three, before a frown slowly grew on my face, "where's Minji and Yuri?"

Both Dahee and Hyejin exchanged glances with one another before Sunoo carefully backed a bit away, making me just frown even more. Something was up, but I wasn't sure what it was.

"Minji was picked up by YG three days ago... they claimed she never signed the resigning contract before she signed with Belift for the show," Hyejin carefully replied and I widened my eyes at her in shock.

"Or... well... we think they made sure she didn't sign it. Remember how we all were in individually to sign the two contracts... Minji was only given the Belift one," Dahee added on for me to understand more. So Minji hadn't been given the resigning contract.

"And Yuri?" I questioned in confusion.

"Minji sent Yuri a message saying that there had been something with all our contracts about resigning. We're apparently still under YG, so if we cross any of their guidelines they can just pull us," Hyejin explained in detail and I frowned at her in confusion.

"But... I read the whole contract, and it said nothing like that," I shook my head in confusion.

"Yeah... but did you read everything with small?" Dahee pointed out to me, and I slowly realized where I went wrong.

"I didn't have my glasses with me," I shook my head and she pointed to me as if signaling that's where the problem laid.

"Just promise us to keep the guidelines. A worker from Belift came and assured us that they were taking care of everything and were working on getting a proper resigning contract from YG, but they don't know when it'll come," Hyejin pointed out and I nodded.

"So Yuri left because of the controversy about our contracts?" I questioned and they both nodded, "now I get it."

"Grounders. It will now be announced who will be moving up to I-land."

Dahee and Hyejin immediately rushed over to the television screen, along with Sunoo, as I sat out by one of the walls as it slowly was announced who would go to I-land. Both Hyejin and Dahee got chosen as well as Sunoo. Which meant that I would have to get comfortable around new people all over again. I happily congratulated the three and gave them tight hugs, telling them how amazing I-land was and how much they could look forward to it, all before they walked off to experience everything I had experienced in the past week.

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