Chapter 25

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One evening everyone had been called to the common room where a small video played and told us to go outside for a small surprise, making all of us ecstatic, just by the thought, and sit outside on a long bench in a matter of minutes as a projector played a video on the wall of the building.

"Oh no... what if we're gonna cry?" I questioned as I sat down between Jungwon and Hanbin, as Hanbin just patted my back in assurance.

"Then that's how it is," he assured me with a small smile, "you can cry if you want to."

In a bright flash a world map was shown on the wall telling us that messages from global viewers off 173 countries were supporting us, and that we would get messages shown to us, but not all, since there was no time to show them all.

"Ah! I can't do this," I complained as I leaned back a bit and hid behind Jungwon's back, scared I would begin crying in a few moments.

It quickly began showing us messages sent to us from different countries, showing all the supporters of the boys, one by one. I was having a great time and laughing along with everyone else, all until the words 'To Jiyeon' showed up on screen and I immediately recognized the scenery around her, making me lift my hand to my mouth. Then a small girl in a very broken English began speaking, honestly the cutest little fluff ball, she couldn't be much older than 8, I knew that from when I trained her in gymnastics. Her blonde hair was braided back and she was wearing a nice summer dress, that looked very much like one I had owned myself when I was that age.

"Jiyeon!" she exclaimed cutely making me let out a laugh as well as the boys, "I love you! And you're my big inspiration. I want to become like you one day. I'm so happy to see another Dane make it big, and you encourage me to follow my dreams as well. Keep working hard and I'll continue voting for you!"

All the boys clapped happily at her cuteness as I just grinned widely before the setting changed multiple times to encouraging messages from my supporters, mostly around Europe, and one from China and one from Korea, and lastly it changed to a room I knew too well, as if I hadn't grown up in that very room, with that very view from the window, making me quickly get up and step over behind the bench and crouch down as if to hide as I held both hands over my mouth in shock.

"I can't do this," I shook my head before laying my face down in my hands, making Hanbin reach over and pat my back lightly, encouraging me to look up once again.

"I think you'd want to see this," he softly pointed out to me and I silently nodded.,

I took a deep breath before standing up and looking up at the screen as an all too familiar face happily jumped into frame flailing his arms happily to wave, making me let out a small laugh at the sight of how stupid he looked. Everyone watching this couldn't be in doubt that we were related to one another.

"Jiyeon-ah!" he cooed out at me, and I was already biting back my tears, "recognize this room? It's so empty now you're gone! Mom makes me dust it off at least twice a day!" he complained loudly making me let out a small laugh before quickly covering my mouth once again, scared that I would end up letting the tears fall anyway, "speaking of mom and dad, they didn't stay quiet for long and I've been watching since the very first episode."

"Ah... it's her brother," Jake muttered quietly, with a smile, in realization and I nodded in confirmation.

"When I look at you Yeon-ie," my brother sighed and quickly fanned his eyes quickly, turning his back to the camera shortly as his shoulders tensed up and fell once again.

"Jiseok-ah!" I screeched out at the screen making the boys laugh at me.

"Sorry," he quickly apologized, as if he could hear me and turned back around to look back at the camera, "when I've seen the episodes I've felt so bad about not being there and take care of you whenever you had a hard time, and not to laugh with you whenever you were happy. I miss walking to school with you every morning, and I miss always having you by my left side at every moment of the day. But I'm so proud of you. You really are made just for this career. You were never meant to prance around on a stage in a tutu, or swing about a ribbon. This is what you were supposed to do. I'm voting for you everyday, and I'm convinced you'll make it, after all... you're my sister. Just so you know... Jungwon is my favorite and I'll be completely fine if you were to date him. No problem here."

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