Chapter 23

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When I had woken up early this morning I finally felt the effect of having overworked myself all week and for a long time before that, but I'm sure it was mostly this week that was in the works of this. I had really been feeling stressed out and overwhelmed this week, for some weird reason. I think the pressure of this competition finally had hit me.

I felt weak, tired, sick, and was desperately trying to hold my breakfast down each time we just had finished yet another rehearsal. The only good thing about today was that at least we had gotten the tension eased in our group, which was nice for a change, if this had been a few days before it would've been too bad for me, and I would not be allowed to rest at all, not that I voluntarily did it anyways.

"Bubs, you should go rest, you look like a ghost," Sunghoon turned to me as we finished once again. He still seemed concerned like the other 14 times he had said that sentence to me this morning, but this time he also seemed tired by having to keep on telling me the same thing.

"No, I'm fine," I waved it off with a simple gesture of my hand, that took much more energy than it had to, and I immediately felt the world zoom out as black spots began appearing in front of my eyes.

"Woah... hey... you look like you could hit the ground at any moment," Heeseung commented and I could feel him grab my shoulders, "your eyes are shaking... can you even see me?"

"Huh?" I questioned him before a hand was laid to my forehead, barely even touching my skin, either that or I really was going back and forth between being conscious and unconscious.

"You're burning as well," he commented in a small concerned mutter.

"No, no. I'm fine," I excused it again, this time with no gestures, so that I wouldn't get more exhausted, "completely fine. Lets just do it once again."

"Yeah... we'll do it once again, but you go lay down for a bit," Jake corrected me and I shook my head, in small motions, refusing the offer immediately.

"I can do it," I assured them in what sounded to be almost a whisper in my head, so how low wasn't it for them?

"Ji... you're slurring your words, you're looking right beside Heeseung hyung's head, you're swaying back and forth, you're nearly transparent, you're burning up. You're not well. You go lay down," Jungwon's voice sternly said, it did surprise me. I don't think I ever heard him be stern, at least not towards me.

"No, I'm fine," I muttered before feeling my knees buckle under me before getting caught with an arm under my shoulders, as whoever it was carefully steadied me once more.

"Woah, woah!" Sunghoon exclaimed loudly before I could feel myself getting lifted up in the air.

"Over here Sunghoon-ie hyung," Jungwon softly called out and I was laid down on the floor somewhere with something soft under my head as a support.

"Okay.... new plan... no more rehearsals until Jiyeon is completely back," K announced before I heard some noises around me and soon could feel someone pouring water into my mouth and something cold was being held to my forehead.

"No, no. I don't need food or water," I waved my hand in a small motion, as I found it hard to even do any other big gestures, just this one was too much for me.

"You do. You're malnourished," Heeseung pointed out to me and I shook my head at his statement.

"No... I'm not," I shook my head again and again, "I know what it is. Don't force anything in me, please."

"What do you then need?" Jake questioned me in an urgent voice, sounding like he was panicking the most.

"Space... just continue rehearsing," I replied and I heard their footsteps scatter about before some quick footsteps, and someone counting. They were either pretending to practice or actually practicing as I had told them, something was telling me it was the first one.

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