Chapter 10

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There had been tension sparking up in the dance team in the past day, which had made me distance myself from the team. The tension had only grown day by day, and I didn't want to get too involved in it. I wasn't really one for drama in any way. However, the tension had been eased by a lot this morning when everyone had voted for Sunghoon to replace Jay in the dance team so now we had to work on teaching him the whole choreography as well. But he was a fast learner, so it wasn't too big of a problem.

He had been practicing pretty hard this week to improve his skills so he already had most of the moves down and he did execute the jump, that Jay had had trouble with, perfectly. It probably had something to do with his figure skating past, I'm actually pretty sure there is a jump very much like it in figure skating. But all in all, he made the jump look so effortlessly easy to do, which was quite admirable.

I grinned widely as I watched the dance team do their dance once more no faults, just Sunghoon that needed more confidence in what he was doing. In a way it actually made me a bit sad to see him not being that confident about it, he was amazing, but he didn't believe so himself.

"Sunghoon-ah?" I stopped the music and he looked up at me, "you need to look more confident, you're doing everything right, the only thing that's wrong is your face. You need to be confident. So... let me ask you... can you do this?"

"Yes," he happily nodded.

"I don't think you're speaking the truth," I shook my head at him.

"Yes!" he yelled out at me.

"Then show it!" I retorted before telling him to get into positions and played the song once more. This time it was much better than before, and he seemed much more confident than before.

We continued to practice until late, and even then Sunghoon insisted on continuing to rehearse despite me telling him he should go to sleep as the test were tomorrow. But he insisted and so I stubbornly stayed with him and made sure he eventually went to bed at a proper time.

After Sunghoon himself eventually had left I stayed in the practice room and danced a bit for myself before deciding I should get to bed. I hadn't practiced any particular dances, I just played some songs and did some improvisation to the songs.

When I had finished I dragged my feet out to the common room as I was too tired to walk properly. I had my hood pulled up over my head as I walked towards the couches.

"Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Iron Man
And I love you 3000~" I silently sang to myself before tipping over the edge of the couch and rolling down onto the couch where I laid my head on top of my arm, which was stretched out above my head, I slowly felt my eyes close and I drifted off into a nice and calming sleep.

I was woken by a small laugh, but decided to brush it off, I still felt tired and wanted to continue sleeping. I slowly fell asleep again all up till I felt something laying behind me with an arm around my waist, my hand laying on top of theirs as they held me close. Their nose seemed to be touching the back of my neck, and their other hand had reached up to intertwine their fingers with mine. My eyes were still closed when the small laugh repeated itself and the person behind me stirred and their head turned around, away from my neck.

"Ah, why?" Jungwon's tired voice questioned from behind me. So he was the one who had accompanied me. He removed his arm around my waist and my arm slumped down over my own waist, as I just listened to what was happening behind me.

"Ah, you two are so cute," Geonu quietly whispered to Jungwon, who just sighed and turned his head back into the back of my neck and his arm went under my own on my waist as well, "so cute," Geonu repeated once more with a laugh in his voice.

"You'll wake her," Jungwon hushed him, nuzzling his face back into my hair again.

"Nah, I am awake," I spoke up, earning a loud laugh from Geonu and a sigh from Jungwon.

"How long?" Jungwon muttered silently in a question.

"One laugh before you," I replied in a tired voice as well.

"And you didn't move?" he questioned with a small laugh with amusement lacing his voice. 

"Eh... I was comfortable," I excused making him let out a laugh once again, tightening his grip around me slightly.

"Honestly, just date already," Geonu complained to us before seemingly walking off again.

"Tell me... how long have you laid there?" I questioned him in a tired voice once again.

"I didn't want to sleep before I was sure you would come to bed as well. After two hours I got up to look for you and found you here... and I sorta joined in," he shrugged, making me let out a small laugh at his way of thinking.

"You're adorable," I grinned widely making him gasp at me in shock.

"No I'm not!" he defended loudly to me.

"Yes you absolutely are. Have you seen your face? How could you not be adorable?" I questioned him before rolling down on the floor and sitting cross legged and looked at him, "look at that dimple!" I grinned poking his cheek where his dimple was showing because he was smiling at me.

"You really aren't gonna shut up about how adorable you think I am, are you?" he questioned and I happily shook my head whilst smiling widely, suddenly feeling more energized as I talked about how adorable he was with enthusiasm, "well... if I'm adorable, what are you then?"

"What do you mean?" I frowned at him in confusion, cocking my head to the side.

"I mean... you surely are more adorable than me," he pointed out to me making me let out a small laugh as I shook my head at him in refusal.

"No, no. That's not possible," I shook my head and waved my hand to him, denying his statement.

"Just say you love each other and go!" Geonu yelled at us from the kitchen where he stood eating his breakfast as he watched us, whilst leaning on the kitchen table.

"You're just jealous no one is saying you're adorable," I poked my tongue out at him, making him just shake his head at me in denial.

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