Chapter 32

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The time was late and the global voting was now closed, meaning that seven of the eight debuting members were now decided. We were all out backstage as we watched the former applicants perform the start of 'Into the I-land' as we all waited to go on stage as well. Everyone stood huddled in one big group as we watched the monitor

Everyone seemed very sentimental at this point about having our last performance together, until we all agreed that we shouldn't cry now, right before going on stage. We wouldn't want our eyes to be puffy or to look like we just had cried.

So once we got out on the stage we made sure we performed with so much happiness and enjoyment before we finished looking at each other with wide grins, not even minding our Sunbaes that had come in today to support us. As we finished I immediately felt a hug on each side of me as Dahee and Hyejin had rushed over and latched onto my sides in a tight hug.

"We're so proud," Hyejin muttered to me from my right side

"You'll debut for sure. We've been voting like crazy," Dahee grinned at me, from my left before they pulled away, "we've voted too much on you for you to not debut."

At once we were all rushed out backstage again as the former applicants returned to their seats the rest of us sat backstage and watched the last montage before we had to go out on stage and get revealed who was in the debut group. I sat anxiously fidgeting with my hands as I leaned against Jungwon who constantly would let out anxious and nervous sighs as well, which eventually made me grab his hand tightly as if to calm both of us down. Before we knew it all of us stood on a long line out on stage and the revelation slowly went from the fifth place in the global votes and up. By now Heeseung, Niki, Jay, Jake all stood to debut as the votes the first place had gotten was revealed. 1.417.620.

"The first place I-lander is Yang Jungwon."

A happy grin immediately spread on my face as the remaining on stage all rushed to congratulate and hug Jungwon as he seemed too shocked to even process what was happening. He didn't believe that he really moved from 8th to 1st place in the global votes, but I understood it. He was simply too good for anyone to deny him a spot in the debut group.

"I told you you would make it!" I happily exclaimed at him before he slowly went forward to say a few words before going over to the debut group. Two more spots were now to be filled out by the global votes and one by the producers. It was quite nerve-wracking if I had to be completely honest. 

Sunghoon placed sixth as the next one to debut, meaning we now were four left to fill out two spots, one of which was chosen by global votes. The seventh place debut member was revealed to have gotten 1.088.403 votes. Literally just ten votes less than the sixth place, and it seemed to shock everyone that the gap was so small, how could the gap be so small with so many votes in the play. Was it even possible, or had there been a technical failure?

"The last member of Enhypen, chosen by the global votes is..."

I carefully looked over to the debut group who all stood just looking at us, until I locked eyes with Jungwon who just nodded at me as if trying to assure me it was alright, even though it seemed like he didn't believe it to be. It almost seemed like he were trying to convince himself, more than me, that it would be my name that would be called out as the next. I smiled softly at him and just shook my head, not believing I would actually debut. It would look too weird with seven boys on stage and just one girl in the formation, it wasn't going to happen no matter what.

"The last member chosen by global votes is...

Choi Jiyeon."

My eyes went wide at the mention of my name, before quickly being hugged by Sunoo, Daniel and K as the host continued talking. I was in too much shock and just stood frozen as I looked around with wide eyes. It didn't seem quite right or real.

"Choi Jiyeon ranked 1st in most countries in Europe. Getting most of her votes from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany and France, as well as winning the majority of votes in China. Enhypen member Choi Jiyeon, please say something to your global fans."

I carefully stepped forward and was handed a microphone immediately bowing and saying a 'thank you' to everyone, as I tried to think of what to say, but my mind seemed to be completely blank.

"Uhm... Throughout part 2 I doubted if a girl was able to debut in an all boys group, but once again the global votes have shown me it's not so. I'm so thankful for all the support I have gotten through each and everyone of you. I promise I'll work hard to not disappoint you in the future. Thank you," I bowed at the cameras as everyone in the room just clapped and I mentally face palmed myself as I handed back the microphone. My mind really had just gone blank at that moment, and I wished it would erase itself from my memory.

I bowed down once more before moving over to the debut group where the boys immediately all rushed to hug me, Jungwon being the last as he walked with me up to my pedestal and happily patted my shoulders with an assuring smile as I just nodded with a small smile.

"I told you," he grinned widely at me as I nodded and quickly dried my eyes as we all anxiously waited to hear who the last member would end up being.

Everything seemed to pass in a haze as Sunoo was picked by the producers, as the last member, to the point where we were told to get back on stage to show the final line up, to the former applicants congratulating us, to all of us going back to I-land and pack up our things, before getting out in the minibus, to get driven to our dorm. It was actually first in the van that I seemed to snap back into reality. I'm not even sure if anything else had happened or if anyone had spoken to me in that time, everything just seemed to be in a foggy part of my brain, even when I got in my bed I wasn't even sure about what had happened.

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