Change Of Attitude

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Published: 10.23.20

  I woke up earlier than usual.

When I checked the time, it was only 5:30 in the morning.

I took a shower before getting ready for school. When I was done, I still had an hour before school started.

I sighed before walking down the stairs, planning to go to Haven Point to wait, but I stopped when I smelled something from the bottom of the steps.

I peeked into the living room to find it clean, the cans of alcohol from before nowhere in sight.

I walked across the room to the kitchen to find my dad cooking something on the stove.

I stood in the entrance in shock.

I've never seen my dad cook before. I was still standing in shock when my dad finally turned around to find me just standing there. "Sit down, no need to stand there all day."

I did as I was told absentmindedly as he turned back to the stove.

It only took a few more minutes for him to finish and set a plate filled with food in front of us both.

I was pulled out of my shock filled trance when my stomach started growling at the smell of food. I took a bite hesitantly before I ate it all in a rush. I didn't know dad could cook.

I looked up when I heard him laugh, and I was shocked for the second time that morning.

It's been so long since I've heard him laugh..

I slowed down as I ate the rest of my food before waiting in silence.

Unlike any other time we were alone together, I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I would have.

After the night before, I felt lighter than I have in a long while. I felt relieved.

"Your mother liked to cook."

I turned to him silently. "She taught me how to because she didn't want us starving to death whenever she had to go to work."

I glanced down at my hands, which were fidgeting under the table.

"W.. What was she like..? I can't remember."

"She was righteous, selfless, caring, and the best at everything she did."

I looked up when he sighed and saw a sad look on his face.

"You're so much like her that it terrifies me." I was taken aback as he turned to look me in the eyes.

"I've been afraid that you'd end up exactly as she had."

He reached over the table and placed his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it.

"I didn't want to lose you the same way I did her, but it seems that I've only been repeating mistakes because of my grief and worries."

He let his hand fall away from my shoulder before standing up and taking the dishes to the sink.

I was left alone with my thoughts as I tried to understand what he meant. "Do you need a ride to school?"

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and shook my head, "No, I can walk to school."

I checked the time and realized that school would start soon, so I stood up and moved to leave. When I closed the front door behind me, I stood there in overwhelmed silence.

I was only there for a minute, but it felt like years.

Everything was changing so quickly in ways I never expected, but I couldn't help but feel a bit happy about it.

I have two people I like, close friends I could feel safe with, my dad was starting to feel like an actual dad, and now I'm learning things I forgot about my mother.

I walked to school happily and ran into Taehyung on the way.

He scrunched his nose playfully, "Woah, what's with all the pheromones? Did something happen?"

I smiled sheepishly as I tried to calm myself down.

"Sorry hyung." He smiled happily. "I was kidding. I'm just really glad you're happy today." I could hear my heart beating faster when he said that- No, really. I could literally hear it.

I felt my face heat up.

Could Taehyung hear it this whole time? What about the others? Oh gods, I might just die of embarrassment. I didn't even realize that I was being dragged by my hand.

I was pulled out of my embarrassing realization when I heard Yugyeom laughing.

When I looked around, I realized that we were sitting under a big tree.

It was just us three right now.

Yugyeom was laughing at something Taehyung did. When I saw the faces he was making, I joined in the laughter.

The past few days have been [extremely] tiring, so it was nice to be able to laugh and joke around again. The rest of the school day went on as normal.

When I went to find the pack at lunch, I bumped into Bambam, who seemed pissed off.

He brushed it off when I asked him what was wrong, and then it was as if it had never happened.

I decided to forget about it since the pack didn't seem worried.

When school was almost finished, Taehyung and I both got a message from Swan hyung to meet him in the private rooms at Haven Point.

We were curious to know why he wanted to meet there instead of Moni hyung's place, but we definitely weren't expecting what we saw.

When we got there, Taehyung's sister- Taehee, showed us to the room at the farthest end of the hall.

When we opened the door, we found Swan hyung sitting in front of a man.

When they both turned to us, I was shocked to find out who it was. He looked surprised when he saw us, but he stood up and bowed to Taehyung.

"Thank you for taking care of my son."

Taehyung was extremely confused, but he wasn't the only one. "Dad?"

From the corner of my eye, I could see Taehyung whip his head towards me in shock.

I turned to Swan hyung, who was the only person in the room not to react, and pleaded with him silently to explain.

He gestured for all of us to sit down, so I dragged Taehyung with me and waited for him to start.

When my dad sat down, Swan hyung gestured to him.

"Meet Jeon Joohyun, formerly retired RASFAW Committee member and Monitor."




I think I'm gonna faint.


  Tada~ Surprise! Jk's dad is actually connected to RASFAW. Next chapter will be Jk's dad's PoV so you can get some context and backstory.

Also, I've seen in the comments last week that some people might think that Jk's dad wants to guilt trip Jk when in fact that will not be happening. Ever. Not on my watch.

Next chapter you will also find another surprise that I've been planning since before I even wrote the first chapter.

Also, a little warning for the update.

The next chapter might seem rushed, out of nowhere, or just not as smooth as most of my writing has (hopefully) been. So I apologize in advance.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel the same about the next. Please comment what you think about this as well. I'm really interested in how it's taken by you guys.

Enjoy and peace out!

1004 Words (Not including A/N)

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