Search For Clues

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Published: 6.16.20

  I stood outside Jihyun's house with a yawn.

I had been playing video games till morning without even realizing it, so I was dead tired.

The door finally opened to Jihyun, who let me in before closing the door.

"My parents will be gone for a few days for work, so we could do whatever until they come back." He led me upstairs to his room, where I put all of my stuff.

"Now that I think about it, I've never come here before. We always go to my house instead."

He led me out of his room and to a door at the very end of the hall.

He seemed to hesitate before grabbing the handle and turning it. "This is your hyung's room?"

The inside of the room looked [kinda] plain. It was really depressing. "Hyung told me that he doesn't like putting up decorations."

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Not even pictures?"

He looked awkward in his spot next to the door. He stepped in and shut the door behind him.

"Where does he keep his stuff then?"

He shrugged, "I don't know.." I got this suspicious feeling about everything, but I put it aside for now. Something just wasn't right.

"Okay, start searching whatever you can. Maybe he wrote a note or something."

I turned to open the desk drawer, but I stopped when I saw the uneasy look on Jihyun's face.

"Do you want to find your hyung or what?"

I opened the first drawer and rummaged through it, looking for anything that could tell us where Jihyun's hyung went.

As I did, I could hear Jihyun move from behind me.

It was weird though.

The drawer I was searching through was filled with tons of papers, but they were all dated about a year ago.

When I checked the other drawers, they were the same.

All of the papers that I found were either schoolwork, or research papers on wolves and such.

"Why did your hyung leave school?"

I turned my head to see him shrug, "I don't know. All I was told was that he was sick and needed to be homeschooled.

"Did you try calling him? Maybe he took his phone with him." "He doesn't have one."

I bit my lip. The more I find out about Jihyun's hyung, the more suspicious everything becomes.

"Why not?"

"I don't know." I almost growled at the answer.

When I finished checking the desk, I checked under the bed for anything. Nothing.

I checked in the pillow case. Nothing.

I checked under the mattress. Nothing.

I sighed. We were getting nowhere, and everything was just adding even more questions. That's when I turned to the closet.

We barely even noticed it in our rush to find something.

It's the only thing left that we haven't checked, so I opened it. "How old is your hyung?" "He's two years older than us. Why?"

I could hear Jihyun moving to stand next to me. "These clothes are way too small for a seventeen year old."

"Hyung is naturally small."

By the guilty look on his face, I could tell that even he didn't believe it.

"Even if that was true, these look like they haven't been used in ages." Jihyun was silent as I pushed the clothes back.

When I did, I caught a glimpse of something hiding in the corner.

It was so dark that I barely even noticed it. I reached over and pulled it out.

Jihyun looked surprised when I pulled out a small backpack. I pulled the bag to the middle of the room and dumped it out. Inside was a jacket, a mask, and a metal pipe.

Jihyun covered his mouth in disgust when I picked up the pipe, revealing the dried blood at the end of it.

"I-Is that-?"

"Calm down." He took a breath and sat on the desk chair.

"You said he doesn't go out much. Can you think of a time he went missing before?" He looked calmer now as he thought about my question.

"I found him late at night with claw marks on his [left] arm, but other than that, I didn't think he went out."

I took in what he said. "Maybe it's self defense."

"Probably. Hyung would never hurt anyone on purpose."

I put everything back into the bag and tossed it on the bed. I checked my phone to find that we've been searching for a few hours already.

"We should go out and eat. We can come back later and check for anything else." "Okay."

We left to Jihyun's room to get our stuff and left for dinner.

782 Words

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