No New Problems

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Jaylen's Pov

3 days Later

Me,Alonna and Zayden sat in my room and watched movies eating pizza and snacks.This all we did doin the night since Chris and Ty never here.

They extended our stay in L.A for a week,being that Chris and Ty were officially signed,they had to do a few shows to be pushed out there so more people know about them. They were booked for a few shows this week and though I'm so happy for him ,I get lonely as fuck when he not here.

"Mommy can I play game"He asked pointing to his tablet

"Yes"I said helping him off the bed

"Alonna we need to find something to do,Im tired of sitting in this house"I whined

"I agree,I can find a few places,Matter of fact lets go shopping you know they got some cute shit out here"

The weather here has been no higher than 78 degrees outside,It was November so I can see why it was a bit chilly.

I put on light grey jumpsuit with my all white
Huaraches and left my curly hair down, Zayden wore an all black jogging suit with his black and white adidas and bucket hat.

I let Alonna drive since she knew her way around here more than me. We shopped for about 2 hours than sat down to eat at a restaurant in the mall.

While shopping we saw the girls Kimberly and Ashley we met at the photoshoot,They were cool and both were from Vegas and were actual models and were the only few nice girls that were there.

After leaving the mall they showed us a few places to see and just get that feel of being in L.A and I can say I can definitely get use to this.

We walked back to the cars as we tried to decide what we wanted to do next.

"We can go to park"Ashley said

"That sounds cool but I'm hungry as fuck"Alonna said

My phone rung and I answered it


"Where the hell yall at"Chris asked

"At the mall,we were about to go to the park why"I said

"We came looking for y'all ass and y'all gone"

"Chris im not about to trap myself in no damn house,plus I texted yo ass hours ago telling you where we were going "I said

"Damn I ain't see that,Well can y'all bring some food back"I smacked my lips

"Bye Chris,I'll be there soon so just order something"He hung up

"Chris huh"Alonna said

"Yup"I said annoyed

We decided to just go to the park for Zayden.

We stopped and got some snacks before heading to the park. We pulled up at the park found a free picnic table and we sat down and started talking while Zayden was playing with other kids.

"You should really think about modeling Jay,I think its really good for you"Kimberly said

"People tell me that but I dont really think it's for me tho I can see myself doing it for fun"I said back

"Girl please,I was the same way but one day my best friend asked me to wear clothes she designed for a magazine and the minute I was in front of the camera it became my safe space, I knew it was what I wanted to do from that moment "Ashley said

"See Jay I told you,She never listen to me when I tell her that"Alonna said

"See some people think when you're a model you gotta be skinny as a stick and be able to wear anything but its not,As long as you have fun trying new things you good trust me I had times where I couldnt fit shit but more people booked me for different things and I had fun,I even got a few personal deals out of simply wearing what I want and taking pictures "

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