Other mazes?

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"Thomas, Thomas!" Summer slipped from her seat between me and Newt and she raced over to Thomas, probably to tell him everything with absolute enthusiasm. Because according to her, finding out that there were other mazes just like us is super cool. I rather think it's disturbing. 

To think that we weren't the only ones locked up. That all these other kids had to go through the same tortures as we did. It makes me wonder how many kids did the WICKED had in the first place and where did they kidnap us from? Like we had to have some families before all of this. I sure do hope that Summer and I had a mother and father once...I am not going to hope for any more siblings because believe me Summer is enough trouble as it is, I wouldn't bear having more. 

But yeah, I would love to know how did all of us get here. We partially know why...because we are some shucking experiments. The question is how, and who exactly is WICKED? 

A movement on my right, where previously Summer sat, caught my eyes. I spotted Newt, watching the two of them talk by the doors from which Thomas just came into this enormous dining hall. I snorted at the hard facial expression of my friend. Is he for real? 

"Oh Newtie, your jealousy is showing," I sang teasingly, elbowing him slightly to force him to stop staring at the two friends. Newt looked at me and Minho, both of us giving him knowing looks. 

"That shank is taking my bloody girlfriend from me," Newt said quietly, not wanting to cause mayhem in front of the two new guys that we have here. They were telling us about life in their maze and how they got here. See how intensively we are listening to them? 

"I am sure he is not..." Minho started but cut himself off when he saw how Thomas was looking at Summer. Yeah okay. Boundaries need to be set I see. "Okay, if it makes you feel better I am going to fetch them,"  Minho said, standing up and walking over to the two to interrupt Thomas' attempts to flirt with my sister. The only one that can do that is Newt. Summer isn't even realizing what is happening half of the time so we can't really blame her for not doing something about it. She is really oblivious. 

"Hey, don't worry, you have her all wrapped around your finger. She loves you more than anyone so...uh...don't stress? Sorry, I am not good at this." Newt chuckled at my attempt to make him feel better. 

"It's fine, thanks for trying." We both turned back to the conversation just as the boy was finishing up what he was saying. 

"And there was this big, loud explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere. Started shooting up the place." Thomas, Minho, and Summer got back. Thomas was forced to sit between Newt and Minho while Summer got seated on her previous seat. 

"It was intense." The boy next to him added. I can only imagine. We've been in quite a similar situation pal. 

"They pulled us out of the maze and brought us here." I could see the wheels in Summer's head, turning rapidly. She was thinking about something. 

"What about the rest?" Newt and Summer asked at the same time. Ugh, these good people, always thinking about others. Really made for each other I am telling you. 

"The other people left behind in the maze, what happened to them?" Newt finished what they started together because Summer seemed to be blushing too hard to even speak. You people are together for two shucking years...stop being all mushy around each other. 

"I don't know. I guess WICKED still has them." The group fell into silence for a while. Everyone's thoughts going to the ones that we left behind in the maze. I wonder what are they doing right now and if they are still alive.  

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