Knowing is hard

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"Stop squirming, I am trying to take care of you!" I ordered Minho sternly, trying to clean up the blood from the side of his face. We have been hiding from the sand storm till now. But until we made it into this little hideout made of what I guess could have been some house that is now fallen apart, the storm had got us pretty good. Not only the burning sand that got into our eyes but those who had nothing to cover their face with had now some scratches through their cheeks. 

In other words, Minho was now being a wuss because I was trying to help him clean some of those scratches. I would like to say that I got the worst job out of all but I can. The worst job was on Newt. He was supposed to approach Summer. The girl has been quiet ever since Winston collapsed. She has been watching him like a hawk. I doubt she is even blinking. 

Because she lent her jacket to help carry Winston she had her arms scratched from the sand as well. But she seemed to not mind the little stream of blood running down her upper arm. She has been sitting against the wall, her eyes fixed on Winston. She hasn't drunk a thing for the whole day. I am seriously thinking she might collapse at any moment. 

"You are taking care of me way too aggressively then," Minho opposed pulling away once again. I groaned quietly, using two fingers to hold his chin in place while I wiped the blood from his right cheek. 

"I am nowhere near to aggressive pal," I warned him, staring straight into his brown eyes. He relaxed afterwards letting me clean the rest of the blood. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught the sight of Newt staring at Summer, worry filling his eyes. He a caring boyfriend, what can I say. 

"She is making me worried." He muttered, probably sensing my eyes on him. I finished with Minho and turned fully to my best friend. 

"Maybe you should go talk to her," I suggested with a shrug sitting down next to him. We both looked in her direction to see her bloodshot eyes fixed on Winston who was breathing heavily. With every ragged breathe that Winston let out Summer's body shook. 

"She isn't talking to anyone ever since Winston collapsed. I already tried. She just ignored me." Newt muttered sadly. I rolled my eyes. We all know that Summer is really sensitive, it's like whenever someone is in pain she feels the pain herself.  And that she gets worried about anyone and everyone for the slightest of things. That doesn't mean she will now die here on us because she can't think about herself. And we all know that if anyone can do something about it, it's Newt. 

"Well, you are a man aren't you?" 


"Then get a pair of balls and tell your girlfriend to stop killing herself over there, force her to snap out of it or something," I said pointing towards Summer. Minho came over and forced a water bottle in Newt's hand. 

"Give her this, she must be dehydrated," Minho said to answer Newt's questioning look. He nodded and stood up to go to Summer. We watched while she tried ignoring him for a while. But then he just grabbed her hand and dragged her behind the wall. I am not sure what they were doing after that. 

But as long as Newt gets Summer to drink and finally behave normally I am not complaining. She is worrying me. Of course, we are worried about Winston as well, but we can't afford two people to be out of it. We don't have enough spare guys to carry them.

I turned my face around to see Thomas and Teresa talking a bit further away from us. They were looking somewhere in the distance. Most probably at the mountains where we are heading to. Can I just say that I am still quite skeptical about these mountain people? We don't even know where exactly are we going. Those mountains are pretty big. Who says that when we arrive there we will be able to find them?  

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