This is not the end

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"Get your dirty hands off me, you bastard!" I yelled while being pushed towards the group of kids that was kneeling down on the ground. I was harshly shoved down to my knees next to Minho, letting out a soft cry of pain when my knees hit the hard ground. 

"Hey, back off!" Minho snapped trying to stand up but he got pushed down again. I glanced at Newt who was glaring dangerously at the men that were holding us here against our will. 

"Are you okay?" Winter's voice asked from the other side of Newt and I nodded even though she can't see me. 

"Yeah," I whispered, slightly in pain still. 

The guards started scanning our necks. When he came over to my he yanked me by my hair to scan the chip they have implanted in us. I am not going to lie it hurt so much. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Janson walking over to us. 

"How many did we get?" Janson asked walking over to the man who was putting our numbers in some device. 

"All of them. Give or take." 

"Give or take what?" 

"Well, they lost a few." Their conversation made me sick. How can they talk about the death of someone as if it didn't even matter? What the shuck is wrong with them? 

I saw Janson looking around curiously, obviously in search of Thomas. His eyes scanning every one of us and stopping on me. A pleasant smirk appearing on his face once he saw me kneeling down on the ground with the rest. 

"Where's Thomas?" He asked looking straight at me. Just as I was about to open my mouth and spat something at him a voice from the crowd stopped me. 

"Right here." I turned at the sound of Thomas' defeated voice. At least two weapons are aimed at him and he is grabbed and led over to the front towards Janson. What is he still doing here? 

"Thomas..." Janson smirks at him before punching Thomas in the gut. This action startled me and I was ready to get up but I got pushed back down. 

"You coward! Punching someone when they are being held by a guard!" Janson ignored my insults, just rolling his eyes at them simply.  

"Get him in line." Thomas got shoved to the ground, landing right next to me. I helped him steady himself on his knees. The absent-minded look on his face giving me a fright. 

"Why didn't you run?" Minho whispered quizzically. 

"I'm tired of running," Thomas uttered simply. Not giving us a single look. Yet another whirring sound filled the air. Similar to the helicopters, but as it approached it was clear that it was something much bigger. The futuristic-looking aircraft that we saw for the first time in the bombarded city was now landing not too far from us. The wind picking up rapidly as the berg started touching down. We all shielded our faces from the sand and dust that was blown our way. My lungs again acting up, sending me into another coughing fit. 

My coughing stopped when I stared at the familiar woman clad in white. I always believed that what Thomas said was true. That this woman was still alive. But seeing her actually standing here in front of us, after I very clearly saw a bullet shot through her feels surreal. And I am praying that this whole is just some ugly nightmare and that sometime soon I will just wake up and everything will be better.

Ava Paige strolled down the ramp of the aircraft, aiming her way straight towards Janson. She stopped by him, her cold eyes looking at us and then turning back to him. 

"Is this all of them?" She questions.  

"Most of them," Janson states. When he noticed the unpleasant look Ava sent him he continued. "It'll be enough." The woman clad in white nods. 

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