To the mountains

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Yesterday was an interesting day. Not only did we manage to reveal the horrible truth about the WICKED compound where they wanted to kill us. We managed to run off from there. Yeah, that's how shucking amazing we are. 

We made it into some abandoned shopping center thingy. At least I think it was a mall. I know that I used to know something like that but I am not sure from where. Maybe I was a huge fan of those when I still used to be free from WICKED. But I guess that most probably no, the place was huge which meant it might have been packed with people. Of course, that was before the Flare virus erupted I guess. 

I still can't get a few things out of my head. First, that girl from the photograph that Teresa found. She looked so familiar. Like I should know her and it hurt me that I didn't. It felt like she might have been so close to me...yet I was still blank. I just couldn't place her face anywhere. All I ever knew...all I remember are the boys and Winter. That's probably the only one I will ever recognize. Maybe my real family are cranks already. Maybe they were among those that wanted to kill us. One can never know.

Also, there is still the question of those weird tattoos on our necks. How did WICKED get them on us without us noticing? More alarming, however, is what the shuck are they supposed to mean? Fine, I do get Minho. Minho has always been the type to lead. Even when we were running the maze he was mostly the one who would pick up the route which we would run. He made decisions quickly and effortlessly, every time being careful to benefit everyone and to keep everyone safe. Natural leader, am I right? 

Then we have my boyfriend as 'the Glue'. I mean Newt has been always trying to be good to everyone. To keep us all together despite the horrible situations we found ourselves in. He always thinks of how to solve things without fighting first. To approach it rationally and make sure that everyone is alright and safe. And even if we Gladers fought sometimes, Newt was always there to set things right and to keep us working as a team even with our differences. So yeah, that's Glue. 

I don't know about the others, there was no time in asking because of the sudden attack. Which was provoked by Minho and Thomas, just saying. But, to the main point what the shuck do Winter and mine mean? 

The cure. Everyone keeps talking about some shucking cure all the damn time. Ava Paige the woman that Thomas kindly informed us she is alive, spoke about the cure for the Flare virus. That it has something to do with us. But I am sure she meant all of us. Not just Winter. That would be stupid...or? 

No, but let's look at it like this. If there was something in Winter's blood that would make her the cure for the virus then I would have it too. We are twins. That's how it works...isn't it? I know that we both look different, we are both of different heights, hair color...actually only thing similar is the sarcasm we carry. But we are still twins...even Janson said so back when we were still in the facility. So we have to be. 

So that is confusion for me. Maybe it is meant in some other way. I don't know this is too much thinking for me. Winter is a complex person, not even I know all her personality traits. So she can have something hidden inside her that will cure us in some way or something. Alright, I just can't wrap my head around the fact that she could be an actual cure because...that is just insane...right? 

And then we have this little an Angel? What the bloody hell does that mean? I am a cruel and vicious creature if you haven't noticed! Someone was surely delusional when scribbling on my neck. 

"Hey!" My eyes snapped open at the loud yell coming from my right. Jerking slightly I felt a hand grip around my waist. I turned my head to the side to see Newt there. He was looking to the side at Thomas who was shooing a crow from his backpack. Seems like someone was trying to eat our limited sources of food. "Get out of here!"  

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