Harsh Winter

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"Winter stop! You'll kill him before we get any more information out of him!" Teresa ordered me angrily from her place next to Thomas. I literally growled at the girl. My eyes turning to fire as I glared at her. 

"Oh excuse me miss Good Girl. This piece of klunk almost killed our friends! He is the reason why they are unconscious now!" I yelled at the girl that has never sat well with me. The nerve of this shucking person to tell me to calm down when my sister was drugged and almost used by this sleazy man. How the shuck can I calm down? 

If we wouldn't have found the place in time or if Newt and Minho haven't rushed right to them I don't even want to think what would happen. My eyes wandered over to Newt who was sitting in the armchair, with Summer, still unconscious, in his lap. Stroking her hair. His eyes seemed to be focused on the faint bruise around her neck. Seeing the damage my blood boiled even more. 

I turned back to the man, punching him one last time in the nose. Creating a thicker stream of blood that now runs down his nose. Overall this man looked horrible. Not that he looked any good before but we did do some good damage on his facials. 

Minho and Newt managed to burst his lip and lend this man, Marcus, quite suitable black eyes. His eye now swollen, not allowing him to see through the left eye. I only caused a little nose bleed and maybe I was the cause of the gash on his forehead when I knocked him out with the bottle of some booze that he was carrying with him. 

"Guys, tell her something," Teresa said sighing at my action. She was seriously done with me. Well, guess what princess, I am quite fed up with you as well. 

"Eh, couldn't be bothered, really," Fry muttered, leaning against the wall. His hands crossed over his chest and he looked quite pleased with my actions. Aris next to him just gave a thumbs up. He always was more of the silent type really. 

"Newt?" Teresa asked the blond, hoping that at least he will have some compassion for the perv that we have here tied to the chair. My soon to be brother in law lifted his gaze to look at the man, his eyes scanning him up and down and then he averted his gaze to turn to Teresa, and with all seriousness, he spoke. 

"If I weren't so concerned about Summer not waking up soon, I would have bloody killed him  myself already." Newt's voice was dark and painted with hatred. His accent making it sound even more threatening. Teresa's eyes widened at the response of the usually sweet boy. Minho walked over to me and looked at my knuckles. Inspecting them carefully. 

"I think that was enough, for your own good." He said, his thumb making soft circles over the burst skin on my hand. 

"Yes hermana, as much as I enjoyed the show I will take it over now," Jorge said walking closer to us. Brenda was slowly waking up on the couch. She looked a bit confused about her surroundings but when she spotted us she calmed down. Minho led me behind Newt so I was close to Summer, in case she wakes up. 

The worried look Newt was giving her was truly heartbreaking. It showed just how much he loves her. The whole way when we were trying to get to Thomas, Summer, and Brenda, Newt was stressed. He was good at hiding it most of the time but you could just see how his eyes widened when we reached the building where Summer and Thomas were supposed to be in. Not gonna lie I was pretty frightened for them myself. And the fact that Newt carried her out with her shirt ripped was only adding to my worry. 

The building was huge and very noised and the people all around were giving me creeps. The perverted looks which seemed to be regular for the boys. With Summer's looks, I was actually considering to beat up all of them, just to be sure you know, I couldn't know which one was ballsy enough to try anything on my sweet sister. So it would be just prevention.

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