Get the card

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This morning Thomas was quite strange. He told us something about some kid that led him in the vent...I guess it's the one that is always alone. Only logical answer. Then he started about some doors and card and bodies under a cloth being carried in that door. 

He believes it has something to do with these kids that get called out by Janson. I do agree that there is something suspicious about it. Though I also need to say Thomas' story sounds a bit chaotical and all over the place. He didn't give us any detail, saying that through the vent he couldn't see much. Well, okay then. 

I know others are quite cynical about it. Newt the most, but I think that there has to be some truth on what Thomas is trying to tell us. I personally do think as well that there are some odd things happening around here. This place is strange enough as it is. So the fact that there would be someone taking these kids for some testing under the cover isn't too unbelievable. 

"Alice. Barry. Walt. Edgar. Samantha." We were in the cafeteria, or how else would you call this place. I was sitting in between Thomas and Newt, with Winter, Minho, and Winston opposite to me and Frypan on the other side of Newt. Janson was calling out names again. But I was rather noticing the hard glare Thomas had set on the man. 

"Hey man, chill. I don't like him either but you are going to burn a hole into him with those eyes."  Thomas looked down at me and then turned his head back to the front.  

"I wanna know what's through that door," Thomas mumbled under his breath and this got the attention of the others as well. 

"And here we go again." Winter was getting quite fed up with Thomas trying to figure this out. Of course, she doesn't believe these people but what Thomas was saying this morning sounded more like sci-fi to her. She told me that when she was braiding my hair this morning. Is it weird that I can't braid my own hair? Like Winter has always had her hair short and she knows how to braid amazingly. If I would try to do that my hair would end up in a giant knot that would need scissors as a solution. But big achievement I can at least put my hair in a ponytail. Good enough no?  

"Now, we've been over this." Newt started. "You said they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw. It could've been anything under there."  

"I know exactly what I saw. They were bodies." When Thomas is this set in believing that what he saw was true then I see no need in doubting him. I mean he wouldn't just lie to us. "Aris said they bring in a new batch every night."  

"Who the hell is Aris?" At Minho's question, Thomas nodded towards the boy at the far end of the room. He was once again sitting alone. With his hood over his head and he was staring at the bread in his hand with full focus. Um...

"He looks...cute?" I said trying to be positive. I know the boy might be nice and maybe even smart or something but he definitely looks like he is not quite there with his senses at the moment.

"Well, I'm sold," Minho said sarcastically causing Thomas to sigh loudly in annoyance.  

"And last but not least, David." I turned to Thomas and nudged him a bit causing him to turn to me. 

"I believe you," I said quietly so no one else would hear. Thomas' eyes sparkled with hope as he looked at me. 

"Thank you for your attention. Enjoy the rest of your evening." Janson started walking out of the room with the kids behind him. 

"If you believe me, come and help me get the card," Thomas mumbled which confused me a bit. A card? Like similar to the one Janson had?

"Okay, until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, all right?" Newt instructed all of us and the group nodded. But suddenly Thomas slammed his hands on the table and stood up abruptly, marching his way towards the door. "What is he doing?"Newt asked slightly alarmed when he saw Thomas approaching the guards. Oh yeah, he wanted me to follow. 

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