The crank chase...again

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I know I forgot to update yesterday, sorry for that, got caught up with a serial. But hope this will make up for it a bit.


Coughing violently, due to dust that has escaped from the rubbles, I was slowly dying from it. Jesus, what the hell is this? 

"Are you okay?" I heard Brenda ask from somewhere next to me. 

"Yeah, great," Thomas answered raspily, but I couldn't due to me, coughing my lungs out. "Summer? You alright?" Thomas asked putting a hand on my back. 

"I think I coughed out my lungs." I croaked out, slightly out of breath. My hand going towards my chest to feel my heart racing. Brenda pulled out a flashlight aiming it at the elevator which was now blocked with piles of stones and rubbish from the building. 

"No, no. How are we gonna get back to the others?" Thomas panicked when he saw the barricaded way out.  

"Relax. I'm gonna get us out of here." Brenda said, totally chilled. She pulled out something from her backpack and handed it to Thomas. "Here. Sorry, I don't have another one." She said looking at me. 

"That's fine," I answer with a soft nod. Looking around all you could see was dust and darkness. Great so far.  Our chances are as bright as the sunlight that gets here.

"Why are you helping us?" Thomas asked and I had the sudden urge to facepalm. 

"Thomas, that is not something you ask a person on who we depend on right now." I hissed at him, hitting his shoulder slightly. 

"Well, I actually like her." She said pointing to me which caused me to grin. " And as for you others, Jorge seems to think you guys are our ticket to the safe haven," Brenda answered, shuffling around her bag. 

"Not to sound nosy, but...what's that?" The term safe haven was yet unknown to me. Never have I heard of such a thing. So far the whole idea of safety was way too far from my mind. Brenda gave me a look before turning back to her bag, zipping it up. 

"You know, paradise. Safe from the sun, free of infection. Supposedly, the Right Arm's been taking kids there for years. Immunes, anyway." Brenda stood up, with Thomas following suit. He put his arm out for me and pulled me up so we could follow the short-haired girl.  

"And you know where that is?" 

"No. But Jorge knows a guy. Marcus. He used to smuggle kids up into the mountains." Brenda said throwing off some box that was covering some metal lid. "If Jorge made it out, that's where he'll be taking your friends." Um...if? There is an if? I knew that the freaky zip line wasn't safe enough! 

"If he made it out?" 

"You ask a lot of questions." Brenda scoffed looking up at the both of us. "Can you just come over here and help me with this? Please." We both nodded and walked over helping her lift the lid. Who knows where that leads. Suddenly a came scream could be heard from inside it. 

"Sounds inviting," I said sarcastically, looking down into the hole. I tried the push the numbing pain that erupted through my head as far as possible. What is it with me and my head hurting all of a sudden? It always picks up the worst possible situations. 

"Well, that doesn't sound good," Thomas commented, his free hand that wasn't holding the flashlight captured my hand, gripping it firmly. 

"Yeah. Down here they'll be full term. Let's go." With that Brenda jumped into the hole. 

"Great," I muttered and let go of Thomas' hand, coming closer towards the edge so I could slip down. We waited for Thomas to jump in as well before Brenda decided on the way. She walked inside some tunnel with me following behind her and Thomas right after. When we emerged from the tunnel filled with graffiti Brenda looked left and right, trying to decide where to go next. All in all neither of those ways look appealing enough. 

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