We found people in the mountains

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Okay, so it might sound unbelievable...but...Bertha is a car. Shocking innit? That's what I thought when Jorge led us to this old run-down car. It at first wouldn't start. Like we were stuck in one place for about ten minutes until we got it to go. 

It actually was kinda funny. But the next thing was how would all of us fit in? Yeah...that's an interesting question. Us girls are forced to sit on the laps of the boys. Well, at least me and Teresa. Winter squeezed herself into the trunk, sitting there with Fry and Aris. Well, everyone gets what they fight for I guess. Winter and I almost literally had a fistfight over the space in the back. As you can see she won.

But it is all on Newt because he just simply decided that he didn't want me that far in the back and that he needed to keep an eye on me. I know you people are worried but taking a chill pill is advised here. No need to freak out just because I would be on the other side of the car. 

Okay, but I need to admit, traveling by car is a hundred times better. Not only because of the comfortableness. And that we can sit out butts down for a while. Also oh my shuck the speed. Guy! We are going down the road and while running towards the end would take ten minutes this thing got us there in a matter of seconds. How amazing is that? 

Excuse my ranting but holy shuck I have never been in a car before. I am amazed by how smoothly it goes. For such an old thing that it previously was. After half hour of the ride, I would be lying if I'd said that I am bothered by having to sit on Newt's lap. 

I can see through the shucking front window! The nature in front of us, which is mainly just sand, rocks, and some burned trees, but still, it is all running in front of my eyes! This is crazy! I was looking out of the mirror all excited. My eyes racing from one side to the other, just so not a single little detail would miss my sight. 

Newt and Jorge both seemed to be amused by my antics. Even if I was moving sometimes too much in Newt's lap. Resulting in him scolding me slightly to sit still. I was practically glued to the window when I heard Jorge chuckle. 

"And here are the mountain hermanos! From here the road will be kinda tortuous, so hold on tight." Jorge instructed, stepping on the gas and gaining some speed again. I laughed when I realized how fast we were going. The sharp turns Jorge was pulling just to make me laugh were priceless. 

The people at the back were screaming. The ones in the boot have no means of how to keep steady so they were all just sliding from one side to the other, based on how the car was turning. The only one enjoying the speed with my was probably Minho. Newt was just making sure that I would fall somewhere.  

"I am warning ya people, one more turn like that and y'all are gonna see my lunch!" Frypan warned from the back. His voice sounding panicked while he was trying to catch himself onto something. 

"For the sake of the safe ride, I suggest hitting the breaks," Aris said from the back as well, the comment Fry made before probably spooking him a bit. Yeah, no one really wants to see the content of Fry's stomach. 

"Jorge, a quick question. You do know what are breaks...right?" Winter's voice rang through the car. She had her arms tangled around the headrest of Minho's seat and was clutching to it for dear life. As if on cue Jorge stopped the car abruptly. Me and Newt almost jumping from our seat at the sudden stop. "I didn't mean it quite literally." Winter pointed out, ripping her arms from the seat. 

But it wasn't the demands from the boot riders that stopped us. But the tunnel, which was blocked with many cars. The road in front of us was hindered and there was no way we would be able to get through by car. We all piled out of the car, stepping into the breezy environment. Somehow the weather in the mountains is chillier than down in the city. 

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