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Yeah, so as you probably noticed this part wasn't in the movie but I wanted to somehow include the tattoos they were given so...I did it like this...hope you don't mind.


Everyone was behind me, gawping at my neck. And I am not sure if this is surprising but this is not the best feeling ever. There is sure as hell something there and the fact that it's on me is stressing me a bit. 

"No way." 

"Shuck." Murmurs and curses were heard from behind me, making me even more nervous. Am I dying or something?

"Hey, keep those comments down and rather tell me what the shuck do you see." I snapped to them and then I felt Summer trace her finger on the skin of my neck causing me to shiver slightly. 

"Property of WICKED. Group A, Subject A13. The Cure." Summer read for me and my eyes widened. The hell, whose property again? I am a shucking person, not a thing to be claimed. I straightened myself, my hand instantly flying towards my neck. 

"So I have something on mine?" Minho asked and I turned to him to look at it for him

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"So I have something on mine?" Minho asked and I turned to him to look at it for him.

"Property of WICKED. Group A, Subject A7. The Leader. How come you are the leader?" I asked confused. Minho turned to me, giving me a look and shaking his head. 

"Property of WICKED. Group A, Subject A5. The Glue." I heard Summer read. She was sitting on Newt's back while reading the letters on Newt's neck. She then climbed off of him and Newt turned her around and moved her hair out of the way. 

"Property of WICKED. Group A, Subject A10. The Angel." He read and we all looked at each other, sharing a secretive glance. All of us thinking the same thing. Sounds fitting. 

"Angel, yeah right

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"Angel, yeah right." Summer mumbled under her breath. Between Thomas, Aris and Teresa seemed to be some tension. We didn't hear what they had on their necks but I guess they will tell us when they want to. "Guys this is getting worse by a minute. We need to do something. Get out of here." Summer said looking around at all of us. 

"Right," Thomas muttered nodding. Well, he must have a plan when he dragged us all the way here so let's hear it. 

"Okay. So, what's the plan?" Newt asked. Thomas just nodded and looked away from him. I cocked my eyebrow in confusion. 

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