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"Is this the great master plan? Because judging by our current situation we are just crawling our way through this limited space only to what? Hope to get out of here? Doesn't sound like a plan to me if I'm honest." Winter muttered from somewhere in front of me. She doesn't enjoy tight spaces too much. She is not scared but she tries to ditch the places that can get crowded easily. And seeing as this is a vent with limited space it is most likely overcrowded at the moment. 

"Winter, this is not the time for your negative thinking." Thomas snapped from the front while he was leading us through the vents. I doubt he himself knows where we are going but I am just blindly following anyway. "Try to be like your sister for a while."

"I can't be like my sister. That's the catch. If I were like her I would be called Summer." I rolled my eyes at her behavior. When she is stressed she is sarcastic. Sometimes it's funny. 

"Both of you just shut the hell up and keep crawling," Minho ordered. He was right in front of me while Newt was behind me. He wouldn't allow me to go into the vent after him saying that he had to keep an eye on me. Sure, I am not entirely convinced that it wasn't just an excuse to stare at my ass but fine. 

At the front of our long line, Thomas kicked open the vent and crawled out. We stayed still for a while waiting for him to tell us it's safe to get out. 

"Come on, come on," Thomas whispered to us, and one by one we exited from the vents. I have to admit I quite enjoyed that. Maybe it is because I am short. I am sure Newt must have been struggling. Or Winter. Thomas runs his eyes through us, counting if we were all together. "Okay, let's go." We went to leave when a voice stopped us. 

"You guys go ahead. There's something I gotta do." We all turned to Aris confused. I grew quite fond of the boy, he seemed nice but why the hell does he want to separate now? 

"What are you talking about?"  

"Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get outta here, right?" He's got a point. 

"I can go with him." I offered, raising my hand slightly. 

"No!" Wow, everyone seemed to agree on that one. Great. I feel like a real kid now.  

"Just go. I'll go with him." Winston offered, nodding to us. 

"And I'll go too. At least this kid seems to have some plan." Winter said already about to crawl into the vent. Look how desperate she is to get in there now. 

"Okay, you two, go! Go!" Thomas agreed and he started running forward with all of us following behind him. "Come on." 

"You sure we can trust this kid?" Minho asked dubiously. He still kept glancing back at the vent where Winter disappeared with Winston and Aris. 

"You don't want to know where we'd be without him." Thomas snapped back, not really seeing the real reason why Minho was worried. 

"She will be fine," I assured him, running alongside him. This feels awfully familiar to the maze. We all gained some speed already so when we rounded a corner to come face to face with some doctor we all jumped in surprise. Thomas even gave out a weird shriek, his hand slapping on the wall for support. 

"What are you kids doing out?" She asked confused looking all of us over. 

"Um...we went for a walk?" I said awkwardly giving her a toothy smile. Just then the alarm started blaring and that was the sign that we were shucked. "Alright new plan, guys, grab her," I said and Thomas and Minho grabbed onto her hands. 

"We need to get Teresa," Thomas said loudly as we started walking. 

"Alright, get Teresa, and shouldn't we ask for the direction first?" I asked mentioning to the woman we were holding hostage. We don't even know where they are keeping the girl so we might as well ask...kindly. 

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